Friday, August 7, 2015

Two people found lifeless in a boat in Akershus –

The police in Romerike investigating two suspicious deaths. The two were found in a boat in Nes in Akershus.

Now reports Rome Blad that everything indicates that the deaths caused by an accident.

Police said Aftenposten that they keep the matter open, but nothing so far suggests anything criminal.

– All indications are that this is an accident, and now investigator we though this may be a gas poisoning, says efforts leader Roger Pettersen police told Aftenposten.

According to NTB were sweethearts who was found lifeless.

– We received the first message at 16.58. Then there were two lifeless people in a boat. Health professionals have been on the spot and attempted resuscitation but both were declared dead shortly after, said operations manager Tonje Borrebæk in Romerike Police to Rome Blad.

Police Bernt Ingar Jahren in Nes says police start technical investigations on the spot now.

– From what I understand were the two persons found inside the boat. We believe we know the identity of the two, says Jahren Dagbladet.

– So far we know nothing about the reason the person has died. We are now investigating this as two suspicious deaths, says operational manager.

Dagbladet following the case.


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