Sunday, August 9, 2015

Police: Man conned about tags attacks – tagged himself on church – 2 TV

“Based on the information we have obtained through interrogation, one can say that it is not about some outrage. It initially was referred to as offended had tumbled and turned up late at night, “says operations center in its police sign Sunday night.

There is a completely different explanation than the police relied on earlier in the day.

– The information we have, we have received from the man who was attacked by unknown to us people who tagged the church. He says they punched and kicked him, told Operations Jon Kåre Flo prior to VG.

Was taken to hospital

The man was taken by ambulance and driven to Ålesund hospital. The damage was so severe that he was transported on to Molde hospital for treatment.

– He has received jaw injuries and an injury to the nose. We assume that he may have jaw fracture, says operational manager. Police were notified of the proceedings in time 3.38.

– Sto behind tagging

Facing TV 2 police said that man has admitted that he was involved in the tagging.

– We have first been interrogated him tonight. Where he acknowledged that he has not been exposed to anything, and that he has caused himself injuries, said operations manager Ole Bjørn Harang.

– Moreover, it emerged that he was involved in tagging along with two others. They also tagged on a sign and a car, he adds.

NTB / TV 2



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