Tuesday, August 4, 2015

- Incomprehensible that listening to people to be foul – NRK

Yesterday lashed KrF and Left onto labor. Government support portions are irritated on Labour, which the Government believes threaten municipalities with hidden forced to merge.

Left believes Labor acting vulgar and selfish, while KrF for their part fear that the reform is undermined when the “spoken down “.

– Incomprehensible criticism

I think it is quite incomprehensible. The fact that we say we will listen to people when a municipality merger be carried out should be granted. If the Christian Democrats and Liberals will merge municipalities by force so we take it into consideration, but we do not think it is the way to go, says deputy Trond Giske in Labor NRK.

– Prime Minister Erna Solberg call it a fictional game from Labor when you argue that the government will merge municipalities by force. Claim that the government would use coercion to merge municipalities which you cook the hop to create political games?

– No, we are for municipalities form and should be constructive and supportive the government put forward if it goes in the right direction. But we are also very clear that we must listen to locals, Giske said, characterizing it as the foundation for the reform to be successful.

Aps program opens for forced mergers

– But it also stands in Labour’s manifesto for this election period that individual municipalities should not be able to stop the changes that are appropriate in the regional considerations?

– You can get in situations where many municipalities will merge, and perhaps a municipality holds. Then we have to deal with those situations in a good way. But that municipalities form essentially have to build on that population so wishes, hear local democracy, Giske said.

Labour Party’s national congress adopted in our that the merger should be voluntary and that the party will respect local decisions.

Facts about municipalities form

  • The Government will present a proposal for a comprehensive reform and mergers of today’s 428 municipalities by 2017.
  • A white paper proposing tasks that can be transferred to local authorities was submitted on 20 March 2015.
  • The proposals involve the largest total allocation of tasks to the municipalities ever.
  • The municipalities deadline to spring 2016 to make decisions about merging.
  • Municipalities that will not turn together, but that the government wants to turn up, wait to be forcibly merged or be required to collaborate with others.
  • The first mergers can take place on 1 January 2018, while the entire reform will be in place by 1. January 2020.
  • The government offers 100,000 kroner to each municipality to information and people hearing before the merger and between 5 and 30 million in reform support.
  • The Government will continue the current three levels of administration, but wishes that several counties should merge in larger regions. Counties have until 2016 to submit who they would like to team up with.
  • Source: NTB


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