Sunday, February 1, 2015

Ten days in isolation over – NRK

Ten days in isolation over – NRK

Gullbrå is a small village in Vaksdal municipality in Hordaland. After a large avalanche on January 21 has been isolated village. Since then, people have had to manage the best possible without being able to take out to other parts of the municipality.

The bare essentials of medicines and foods they got delivered by helicopter, but only today it is again possible to could take a trip to the store.

Back at school and work

There will be great to be able to get out again on Monday to school and work, says Anita Gullbrå which is one of those who lived shut off from the outside world for 10 days.

– First however, I have a hope of getting me on store!

After an geologist had inspected the landslide yesterday it was namely clear that the road be opened. It’s been colder weather and Avalanche no longer as great.

– The temperature is now down to minus 10 degrees. That means avalanche danger is greatly reduced. It is on the way down towards the danger level 2 which is moderate, says geologist Njål Farestveit.

Hard job for plowing crews

An automatically crews still had a hard job ahead of him. The snow turned out to be more hard-packed than had expected. For a while one near having to postpone the opening of the road, but in the 20 time was finally all the snow removed and county 344 could finally open.

– In retrospect, we have to say that it has gone well, but I do not want to be locked up several times, I’ll admit, says Svein Tollefsen, one of the other inhabitants of Gullbrå.

Now wants Vaksdal Council a collaboration with NPRA about avalanche of county 344 to prevent something similar from happening again.

In Eksingedalen In VAKSDAL: It was here 344 county were closed

Photo: Kjetil Rydland / NRK

01.02. 2015 kl. 11:36

02.01.2015, at. 11:38


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