Monday, February 23, 2015

Think this man may be behind the murder of Marie-Louise in 1998 –

Think this man may be behind the murder of Marie-Louise in 1998 –

(Dagbladet): Night of 15th July 1998, Marie-Louise Bendiktsen (59) was found murdered in his own home on Sjøvegan in Salangen in Troms. She was assaulted, raped and stabbed. Her house was set ablaze after the murder.

The person behind the gruesome murder is still at large. Murder mystery 17 years later unsolved.

Now the sheriff His Roar Rasmussen at Salangen lennsmannskontor out with phantom drawings of a man who they believe may be behind the murder, reports People magazine today.

gruff man

The drawings were prepared for the police of the VG draws Harald Nygård after the murder but police have chosen to keep the drawings back from the public. Until now.

– The reason why we did not go out with the drawings then was because it was linked some uncertainty around the sketches. Fantom Drawings often leads not arrive. We needed more tactical information that we could go out with, says Rasmussen told Dagbladet.

The drawings are based on two witnesses who may have seen the same person. The sheriff says to People magazine that drawings undoubtedly have commonalities. The observations were made on 13 and 14 July. One person should have seen the man come from Sjøvegan high school and go down Kongeveien, he should have behaved nervously in the area which is only 100 to 150 meters from the scene, writes the newspaper.

The second witness also man near the school and for a time very close when police believe Marie-Louise Bendiktsen were killed.

– The witness describes the person 25-35 years, tall, thin, pale, shoulder-length hair parted in the middle with and he had a dark leather jacket and trousers. The witness also described the man as fierce or that he had an angry expression, says Rasmussen to People magazine.

The sheriff told Dagbladet that this is all they know about the mysterious man.

– We now go out with drawings because we Onks to unravel in absolutely any loose ends in the case, he said.


Another track of the case has led police to Germany and that someone possibly know anything about what happened soon 17 years ago. The sheriff is frugal with information, but acknowledge that they have information about where in Germany the look.

– The track required tactical investigation and we will contact the appropriate person and it may be in cooperation with German police said Rasmussen.

He stressed that no suspects in the case. When the murder after police investigated wide and they had several names on the block.

– It is natural to look at different communities and individuals in the start of a investigation. All are more or less checked completely out of the case, said the sheriff.

Much tips

In the almost two decades murder case has been investigated, police have received a numerous tips .

– tips often come after it has been media coverage of the case. Some tips are very relevant, while others just recorded, he said.

Police hope the drawings will help to further information.

– If anyone knows anything, they must take contact, looking sheriff,

– Frustrating

The sheriff has worked with the murder case since day one.

– It has at times been very frustrating not to have reached the goal of a case highest priority. Kills unknown perpetrator. I’m thinking of course of the case often, it lies and whirr in mind. The taken up now and then, but it is not always sufficient capacity to investigate it, says Rasmussen.

The case was formally shelved in 2003, resumed in 2008 and dismissed the following year. It was resumed in 2013. Last summer removed Parliament limitation on including murder.


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