Sunday, February 1, 2015

Nine out of ten graduates policemen in job – Bergens Tidende

Nine out of ten graduates policemen in job – Bergens Tidende

Police Athens had at year-end 15,495 employees, an increase of 725 FTEs in two years, newspaper VG.

– It has never been more police at work in Norway than now, and the increase has never been greater. Growth is quite extraordinary in a European context, said police director Odd Reidar Humlegård.

He believes the trend is moving in the right direction and that the increase takes place at the best possible time.

– This people will notice says Humlegårdsvägen, adding:

– It becomes more of everything: Police Force, preparedness, investigation capacity and presence where people are.

Justice Minister Anders Anundsen (FRP) has a goal two officers per thousand inhabitants by 2020. That growth is now underway, will continue. 720 new students will be admitted each year. Growth will also be on the prosecution side. This year this part of the police profession 50 new lawyer positions.

Police Academy received last year 4,200 applications for admission. Principal Nina Sharp The does not preclude a new record year deadline is 1 March. (© NTB)


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