Wednesday, February 25, 2015

- No benefits from a peaceful country to kill women and children –

- No benefits from a peaceful country to kill women and children –

(Dagbladet): – We talked a lot in the mosque to help the civilian population in Syria. We heard that Assad government forces cut across the neck of people with a knife and raped women. People were massacred during demonstrations.

It tells Djibril Bashir (30), which is charged with having participated in and supported a terrorist organization – namely the Islamic state (IS), which he joined after transferred to Syria in 2012.

– Humanitarian aid worker

Yesterday, under prosecution questioning, told Bashir that his role was not to be fighters, but that his task rather was to be a kind of humanitarian aid work in IS ‘apparatus. Weapons he must have to protect themselves.

Today asks his defender Fredrik Brodwall him the motivation to go to Syria. 30-year-old replied that he late in 2012 found that the world community failed civilian population in the country, and that he decided to help.

– Everyone spoke about it – imams, Muslims, non-Muslims. Many traveled. It got worse and worse for the people there, and it came calls from around the world. We who felt we could help, left, says Bashir.

30-year-old has previously explained how he took into Syria via eg Turkey. He was busy in the IS by taking an oath of allegiance and was in the country in January 2014, when he returned to Norway along with co-defendants Valon Avdyli (28), who was also involved in IS.

– They were very happy

Bashir says the Syrian locals were very happy about the support they received from IS in the fight against President Bashar al-Assad’s forces.

– Especially happy they were in those who came from abroad, he said – and underlines again its peaceful intentions by joining the IS, who later became known for public executions and war crimes.

– No benefits from a peaceful country to kill women and children. Now it’s different – but in 2012 there was a positive atmosphere.

30-year-old tells the court that the reason he left Syria in 2014, was that the conflict had changed in a direction he did not like.

– It was full “all-out” war. I was not interested in being part of what went on there then.

– Collaborative medications

professional judge Geir Grindhaug ask more about the humanitarian work Bashir should have done.

– I shared medications and other things that came across the border from Turkey. In addition, I helped to get people out of buildings and into the hospital, says 30-year-old.

Prosecutors do not believe Bashir narrative. Yesterday chief public prosecutor in January kite forward several pictures showing him in a armed group together with ia the famous Norwegian IS manager Bastian Vasquez.

The trial is scheduled to last for over a month. It is the first time anyone in Norway is prosecuted under the criminal law section 147d, a letter in the so-called terrorist clause concerning participation in recruitment and support to a terrorist organization.


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