Saturday, February 7, 2015

Latest: 16 skaters caught on drifting ice floes on lake –

Latest: 16 skaters caught on drifting ice floes on lake –

(Dagbladet): Several skaters will be trapped on a drifting ice floe on lake at Gurgaon, NRK reported.

It started rescue operation, said the operations center in Vestoppland police.

– 16 people are trapped on an ice floe. The fire brigade is on its way to the boat, said operations Pål Erik Teigen at Vestoppland police Dagbladet.

Three skaters should have been in the water.

– None of them are as of now in danger or is injured. They bring shifts. Nevertheless we will evacuate them quickly, because the ice cracks, says Teigen.

A total of around 40 skaters have been on the ice.

According Sea King helikpoter and police helicopter on its way to assist.

Dagbladet comes with more.


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