Monday, January 9, 2017

Raymond Johansen complained about the søppelhentingen in itself – Aftenposten

Yesterday Raymond Johansen (Ap), the top political leader in Oslo, even those who have seen the need to complain about the lack of garbage disposal, writes the Newspaper.

He says to the newspaper that he had a bin that had not been emptied, and would make note of it.

It was well for me as it was for very many others, that it was not been picked up in a couple weeks. And one has the estimated that the waste in the bin will be collected roughly once a week, says Johansen to the Newspaper.

a Lot has gone wrong after the Oslo municipality changed renovasjonsleverandør and Veireno took over last fall. The start was a disaster. The first day was half of the rubbish again and 300 tons was again. So began the pile to grow.

New routes, missing keys, and cars that did not come forward, was among unnskyldningene from the company the first few weeks. In December got Veireno the first dagbøtene for non-delivery.

Complained before the weekend

Friday lamented Renovasjonsetaten in a thread on its Facebook page that the situation is not under control.

” the Situation is serious. It is also an inherited problem, but that helps the only to blame in just ten seconds. This is as fully a problem the municipality must now solve and we are working frantically with, ” says yesterday Johansen to the Newspaper.

He says that he has received a lot of inquiries, and that it is demanding.

– It is simply not good enough. Not at all, ” says Johansen.

Carl I. Hagen complained also

Also Frp nestor Carl I. Hagen (progress party), who again got the place in the city council from 2011, confirms to Dagbladet that he has complained about.

It flooded over. Søppeldunken was cram full and it started to smell, ” says Garden.

He even has several times made the trip to gjenbruksstasjonen to throw the paper even, after that your local recycling scheme is not empty. He has also advised the neighbors to complain.

I said that they should call and complain, and that I had done, ” says the politician to the newspaper.

Hired five new

Before the weekend lamented Renovasjonsetaten the situation on Facebook and said that they go in time with the apparatus. Among other things, they have employed five new renovatører to clear the buried waste containers (cooperatives).

In addition, work 25 cars and 30 renovatører with papirinnsamling this weekend. This is twice as many cars as on a normal everyday life.

From Monday to 170 renovatører be in work, which is more than usual, they write.

The Newspaper says the agency that they expect to be abreast in the course of January.


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