(Dagbladet): – that Way I know Eric, he is a field operative, he is not some administrator. He is a bit like fagarbeideren who forget accounting and billing. The first one is enough that he did not want to show to all what kind of sources and information he had, but it is more on his personality. To have notoriety was not his thing, ” says Johnny Burn.
In the 20 years he worked Eirik Jensen. In the two periods was also Jensen his boss. Burn followed the case in the Oslo district court today.
He will not comment on the matter or about what he thinks about the matter, but like to tell why the informants, as Eric Jensen argues that Gjermund Cappelen was, at times, was not registered in the police etterretningssystem INDICIA.
- I registered all of the
Before, especially in the 90′s and beyond 2000′s, it was common to not record informants and information obtained from informants?
- No, it was pretty strict formkrav to registration. If you do not register the informants, they should not be used operationally. This should be able to be controlled and have notoriety. I personally registered all together, ” says Burn, who now is an author and has written several krimbøker.
today work Burn as a project manager for a safer nightlife in Oslo.
Burn adds that the registration and the notoriety was enough that it was handled the worst when it comes to informantbehandling from Eric Jensen’s page.
- That said, he is a field operative, and liked to be on the streets and talking with informants. Registration and notoriety has probably been in short supply, ” says Burn.
- there Were some that reacted to this in law?
I knew not what. I worked with him in two periods, and then he was my supervisor, so I had no overview of his business.
- I have weapons
Jensen is accused of a number of violations of the våpenloven.
It applies both to a lack of permission and illegal storage of a total of nine weapons divided in their office, at home and in a holiday home.
When the deputy commander for Spesialenheten, Guro Glærum Kleppe, read out the indictment regarding the retention of a Krag jørgensen’s rifle, black Jensen:
- I had the weapon yes. But not guilty , ” said Jensen, who has previously told Dagbladet that he had weapons to protect themselves and that the management of the police knew this. But the weapons were not registered, and thus, the opinion of the prosecution that they are illegal.
Weapons, it has also Burn.
- Yes, I have the weapons, but it is recorded, ” says Burn, who tells us that many who work with heavy criminals think about whether they should have the weapons available at the parlor.
- What kind of weapons do you have?
” I have a gun, but as said is it registered.
- having a plan if people come in the yard mine, it to run the detours when you come home because you might have detection on you, it is the everyday life of informantbehandlere, ” says Burn, who says he has worked with some of the cases against Cappelen in the past.
- Have you ever dealt with a case as high in summer as 1 to 2 billion, such as the prosecutors claim that Cappelen may have sold drugs?
- No, it is a unknown number for me and I don’t have any comment to it, but it sounds violently out, ” says Burn.
Covert operation
the Newspaper has earlier written that nothing related to Cappelen-operation, where suddenly Eirik Jensen appeared in the case when the police spanet on Cappelen, was added to the police etterretningsdatabase Indicia or other internal records in a way that could be read by colleagues who were not on the short innsidelista.
This was done to prevent anyone other than the innermost circle of trusted got to hear about the piquant situation. It was then taken completely unusual precautions in politihuset on Greenland in Oslo, for the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet experience:
• All communication between the spanerne during the actual missions were shielded from the other politienheter.
• Nor do any other executives or key personnel, including Eric Jensen, which is often well-known the outline of the major investigations either through arbeidsrapporter and meetings or informally korridorprat, got to know something.
Eirik Jensen is accused of gross corruption and drug offences. He is accused of complicity to the importation of 13,9 tonnes of cannabis resin were in the period 2004 to 2013, related to a total of 49 records. He is also accused of having embraced the values of nok 2.1 million. Gjermund Cappelen is on his side indicted for having paid this money to the Jensen, as well as spruced up the bathroom his.
In the indictment, states that Jensen from 2004 was willing to, in the face of significant remuneration, to support Cappelen in his innførselsvirksomhet, among other things, to notify him about various conditions that could be of importance for the business.
Spesialenheten have secured about 1500 text messages between the Jensen and Cappelen, and in the indictment, it is meted out a series of text messages that Spesialenheten mean among other things, was a notice that Cappelen was in the authorities ‘ spotlight, police work and resource position and that hasjtransporter was stopped. There is talk about including the following messages: “Control here”. “Set”. “Sunshine”. “Setting and sun”. “Feriemodus across the board”. “The office is thinly staffed”. “It is reported knallvær”. “A man in the ditch, to look at the damage on the car”.
the office manager Wenche Fredriksen in tollregion East-Norway says to Dagbladet that this is completely unknown to her.
I’m not familiar with that Jensen should have contacted someone in the Customs office. I have never heard of him before, and none of my colleagues has stated that they have it either, ” says Fredriksen.
Jensen believes the messages were a part of informantkontakten he had with Cappelen, and that they have natural explanations. Bærumsmannen denies this.
Baked in the millionbeløpet Jensen is accused of having received from Cappelen is the value of the renovation of the bathroom at the family farm in Nes municipality, where Jensen lived from 2005 to 2010. In interrogation have Jensen according to VG explained that, among other things, he never paid a bill of 120 000, because he has not got a hold of the actual artisan, a man who died a few years ago. The lawyers his opinion Spesialenhetens calculations are wrong, and that it is not possible to prove something overuse.
Jensen refuses straffskyld.
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