Wednesday, January 11, 2017

– One is concerned when it is observed wolf at sandbox TV 2

prime Minister Erna Solberg had to endure harsh criticism in the Parliamentary q & a for the handling of the ulvesaken that went in the stand after klimaminister Vidar Helgesen (H) reduced the licence of the wolf drastically.

the Christian democratic Party believes the government has painted itself into a corner, while the centre party is disappointed that the government has not taken the matter more seriously.

– about people

– Ulvedebatten is about the people. It’s about people who for generations have lived with and harvested by nature. It is about the people who had hope, but now know of hopelessness. The government bear responsibility for the frustration many people know now, ” says the head of the Senterpariet, Trygve Slagsvold Vedum.

– There are problems to have a dog when you know there is a pack of wolves in the vicinity. You are worried about the children when it is observed six wolves by the sandbox, ” he says, and says that the people with power, have gotten other people to feel powerlessness.

the Prime minister is on their side rejects that she does not take into account the people in the debate, but that the government’s problem is a conflict between The will of god, the law and international obligations.

Wolf shot in Hedmark

While politicians debated the wolf, was a wolf shot in Ringsaker in Hedmark for the first time since 2007.

After a wolf was shot was ulvejakten is immediately terminated because the quota for this County is filled, the write That Blade.

the Wolf was shot by Kjerkholtjernet in Ringsaker, informs the leader in Ringsaker Hunting and fishing area to the CHANNELS 2.

the Wolf should have been notified on the trip into the area from the Vang on Wednesday morning, writes the newspaper.

When it was set in the time tracking of the wolf. It was only sent out a few men, and the wolf was felled shortly thereafter, tells the leader in Ringsaker Hunting and fishing area, Anders Berg.

the Last time it was shot the wolf in the That was in October 2007. This should have been the first wolf, which was shot in Ringsaker, since the early 1800s, according to That Magazine.

Ulvefellingen to be confirmed by the County governor in Hedmark. (©NTB/TV 2)


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