Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Eirik Jensen: – Gjermund Cappelen was a source, not informant – Aftenposten

What kind of status Gjermund Cappelen had for several years, was made to a central point when the prosecutor Kristine Schilling from Spesialenheten after lunch started to ask questions to Eirik Jensen.

In his innledningsforedrag Tuesday did Spesialenhetens the prosecutor Guro G Kleppe it is clear that the prosecution believes Jensen has violated the instructions about the informantbehandling by to meet Gjermund Cappelen alone a number of times and by that he has not brought the information into the police computer systems.

There is a distinction between informant and source, otherwise nobody would dare to come to the police to provide information Eric Jensen

– A source you can operate alone

- One should always be two that is in contact with an informant or source? asked Schilling.

- this is where I disagree with spesialenheten. A source you can operate alone, but an informant is an instrument you use operational and control against specific environments. Then it is entirely appropriate that there should be two. the - Cappelen was the only source from 1995? - I have provided a detailed explanation of this. the - What I want, now, is whether you perceived Cappelen as the source and not the informant since 1995? - Yes, it is enough to correct it, apart from some projects, that we agree that I shall not tell anything about now. I have downgraded all my informants to the sources after I got the responsibility of the management. For the informants apply a more rigid set of rules.

– Is not a source a person who, in an individual case provides information to the police? asked Schilling further.

– It is an old-fashioned interpretation. There is a distinction between informant and source, otherwise nobody would dare to come to the police to provide information, said Jensen, who believed that the instruction last only a guideline to have a certain structure.

Review of the career

the Prosecutor Kristine Schilling went carefully through Eiriks Jensen’s career at the Oslo police district to document how central he has been in the treatment of sources and informants – in the criminal environment is called “tystere” Schilling read out a number of quotes from Jensen’s own book “On the inside”.

Schilling went carefully through the stillingsinstrukser, instructions for the way to work and the responsibility to follow the instructions and regulations and duty to cause the information from the sources and informants into the police special, closed system Indicia.

Led information into the computer system

In the book, writes Jensen in several places how he has added information from the criminal environment also Cappelen, into the computer system.

You write that you put into everything in the indicia, enter it or do you not? asked Schilling.

What I outlined is the information in the two categories. I entered the information about a possible murder in gjengmiljøet in Oslo, it was a hell.

– We know you had a lot of contact with Cappelen in autumn 2013, is it so that you entered the information or not ?

I let in a lot of information from Cappelen. But there are not any sources from what I have posted, and I have not had gained access to the system. I have not had the opportunity to see the information in the system, and it is therefore difficult to say anything with certainty about it.

– from what you remember, have you posted information, but that it is not arising that it is from Cappelen ?

I guess that is a decent description. Much is also passed on to the analysts, our, orally, There is some information which is not suitable for the indicia, for operational matters, responded Jensen.

Got the information from the Customs service

the Prosecutor Schilling would know if it was Jensen, chief of Special operations at Oslo police who received the information when the Customs authorities at the border had apprehended result and they wanted assistance from the police to find mottakerapparatet.

Not always, also my second-in-command and team leaders who worked to clock two on the night received such messages, ” explained Jensen.

Schilling also read up the policy that was elaborated, first by the Oslo police and later by the Police about police contact with informants. Of the rules, it states that police officers should be careful about the friendships that can occur after long periods of contact, that they should be on guard against sjarmoffensiv, and that there shall always be two police officers present when meeting informants. And that the information police receive should be entered in the police computer systems.

Especially stringent requirements for ethics

Schilling also quoted a separate section on ethics, where it is emphasized that the investigation of the narkotikasaker without the site and contact with informants set specific requirements for ethics for police officers who work in this area.

“It is often ærekjære people with well-developed “hunting instincts” seeking tli this work. An element of danger is that one can develop their own rules and laws in the area”, it is stated in the policy.

– Informantinstruksen is a framework, commented Eirik Jensen, who have written parts of the instructions.

Schilling also read up documents and notes found on Jensen’s computer, where it is stated strict requirements for informantbehandling, several of them written by Jensen herself.

I am as a fossil to be considered in the police. However, a number of us have experience, and I have tried to contribute with my, said Jensen, who would not take credit for the instructions and rules for informantbehandling which was elaborated within the police.

Was asked to find a new job

After constant conflicts with the boss Einar Aas in the section for organised crime in 2011 changed the Jensens to the then brilliant career.

I was asked to find me a new job, ” explained Eirik Jensen, who was out sick and had to seek the help of the trade union as a result of personalkonflikten.

After what outwardly appeared as a bright politikarriere and the Oslo police’s face to the outside world when it came to the MC-gangs and gjengkriminalitet, felt Jensen himself pushed out over the sideline and he ended up in politimesterens staff


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