Monday, October 10, 2016

- You have a great courage. If you could only use it for that we can stand together … – the Newspaper.en

(Dagbladet): During tonight’s debate “Hijab & Niqab – islampolitikk or religion?”, was more flammable topics discussed. Most central was the question of the headscarf.

During the debate was Hodne asked about what she thinks is ugly with hijab.

I can very nice to sit by the side of her with the headscarf. I see the human being behind when it comes to her, and feel safe, she says.

- I get an anxiety

The two have in fact communicated a part, including on Facebook, and Hodne feel, therefore, that she knows the Bayan. With other hijabbrukere, it is different.

- I get scared, I get a anxiety, I can’t explain it with anything other than that.

- What is it that scares you by the headscarf, asked the moderator Yama Wolasmal from Tv2 “house of commons”.

- It shows in the utmost consequence that I should be killed, black Hodne, and added with a short laugh:

Although I don’t think she will kill me.

Malika Bayan responded by quoting “the Quran”.

In islam, killing one human being to kill everyone. It you are afraid is not in the hijaben, it lies in extremism. Those guys together we should work to stop.

- We can stand together

She urged Hodne to stand together with her against the extremists.

- You have a great courage. If only you could use it for that we can stand together to keep Norway safe.

what I try, the answer Hodne, and adds that she doesn’t realize why Bayan you go with a headscarf.

You need to distinguish between extremists and muslims, ” said Bayan.

I stand extremists and muslims, said Hodne.

- Mandatory headscarf

Malika Bayan talked more about why she wore hijab, but stressed that she can’t talk for anyone other than themselves.

the Way I interpret “the Quran”, is it mandatory for women. With hijab I have a reminder all the way to do right and behave well. When I take on hijaben and walk out the door, I have a reminder that god sees me.

She also said that it gives a sense of connection to other muslims. But all she is doing is not completely in line with the to be a “perfect” muslim.

BE AFRAID OF the HEADSCARF: – I get scared, I get a anxiety, I can’t explain it with anything other than it, said Merete Hodne, when she was asked about what she thinks was bad with a hijab. Hodne is among other things associated with Pegida. Photo: Carina Johansen / NTB Scanpix Show more

I use make-up and pants, and it is not optimal.

- Is not there to shop religion, asked Wolasmal.

Everyone goes their own way, everyone has his / her own development. No one is 100 percent law-abiding face of islam. Hijaben is mandatory. Make-up is not desired, but I do at least that which is required.

the starting point for the debate is that Merete Hodne (47) was recently subjected to 10 000 in fines for discrimination after she threw out Malika Bayan (24) of the hairdresser’s because the latter used a headscarf. Both took part in tonight’s debate, which was hosted by DebattForumLarvik.

- We can not accept such a kvinneundertrykkende garments

Hodne said in the debate that it was not certain that she would react differently if she was in a similar situation again.

- So she has it tough, she has found something to hang out in, a hope for a better life, I think that’s very good, ” said Hodne.

But she stands fast by that hijaben is a totalitarian symbol, comparable with the Ku Klux Klan-costume and nazisymboler.

- We can not accept such a degrading and kvinneundertrykkende garments in Norway, she said.

Bayan protested that hijaben is kvinneundertrykkende.

- I don’t think that “now I am going to hide me for the man”. Men’s hijab is mentioned first in the “Quran”. Men’s form is to lower the eyes and the beard. And then we have several “private parts” than a man has.

She believes that the muslims who force women to use the burka and similar have been misunderstood, and believe it is religion when it really is the culture.

- It comes from the culture that women should impose burka, but it is not the law of compulsion in islam. As long as it’s not coming to me, it is not valid.

Hodne, however, was not impressed by Bayans interpretation.

I fell almost out a bit, for I thought there was some bullshit there.

Who is forcing Malika? asked Yama Wolasmal.

Her god thinks she is, but it is not in “the Koran”,said Hodne.

- It is only because you are looking for the word “hijab”, but it is translated, it is only as a veil, or head covering, black Malika Bayan.

Malika Bayan converted to islam in 2011, after what she herself describes as “a hard background”, where no one cared whether she did well or not.a

Hadia May  take oppgjør with hijab-rumors My daughter  (3) uses the hijab sometimes Debate

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