Saturday, October 22, 2016

Kosepratet with the previous odin’s soldiers-advocate on Facebook – Daily

It is in the comments under a case Listhaug yesterday shared on her Facebook page that she discusses with Ronny Alte, who has made himself known as a spokesperson for the two islamfiendtlige organisations odin’s soldiers (the Soldiers of Odin) and the Norwegian Defence League. The thread is now deleted.

On the question from the Alte about why people like him shall be alleged to be racists in when the black messiah, the answer Listhaug the following:

“I think the left have for far too long has been slepphendt to use the racism card when they lack of arguments”, and continues that “the time to push things under the carpet is past” (see skjemdump).

Alte reply to rose Listhaug for the job she does, whereupon Listhaug concludes by wishing him a good night ahead, followed by a smiley.

also Read: Fabian Stang is the secretary of state for Listhaug

– Did not know who he was

It was ABC News that first publicized the case. They have been in contact with Listhaugs political adviser, Espen Teigen (Right), who last night stood behind the comments on her website.

He rejects that Listhaug expresses sympathy with Alte in his answer to him.

This comment provides no support for his point of view. This is a general comment where very many, including Sylvi Listhaug, get thrown out the racist card, when the heart is most often out of arguments, ” he says.

Teigen assert a claim against ABC News that he did not know who Alte was when he wrote the comments on behalf of Listhaug, and admits that he should not black him.

– In a sea of comments on Facebook, I connected not the name of who it was, and responded, naturally enough, he is on equal footing with all others. I had connected who it was, there and then, I had not, of course, black he. We always use to have a polite and pleasant tone towards the people on Facebook.

also Read: do not Want Listhaug that listetopp

Reject acquaintance

On the question of why the thread is now deleted, answer Teigen that it is because it came several comments in the same thread that went over the limit.

Listhaug has not answered ABC News inquiry, but Alte reject that the two know each other from before. He also says to the website that he understands why the comments of his was removed.

– I have full understanding that it was deleted. It is precisely because people go bananas and want me to be frozen out of the community, ” says Alte.


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