Thursday, October 27, 2016

The breach in the togmeklingen – the strike continues – Bergensavisen

– This is very sad for the passengers, but as long as Lokomotivmannsforbundet are stuck on that they should determine the competence requirements to togførere, it is not possible to come to a consensus, ” says managing director Anne-Kari Bratten in the Range.

the Parties were summoned to compulsory mediation in Riksmekleren Thursday, when the strike went into its fifth week. Ten hours later, had the arbitrator fold and determine that neither this time did the parties to agree, either about a deal or virkelighetsbeskrivelsen.

– We have abandoned the requirement of tariffesting of kompetansestandarder for lokførerne. But we will have commitment partsfestede requirements until the authorities come with central rules. It will not Range and if you go on, so there was a breach again, ” says lokførernes forhandlingsleder Rolf Ringdal to the NTB.

124 lokførere strikes

Thus continues the strike. The last few weeks have nearly 300 trains have been set every day as a result of the strike. 124 lokførere was Thursday in strikes after the recent escalating Wednesday. Tens of thousands of togpendlere in southern california and at the Sørlandsbanen is affected.

– Streikeviljen and the morale on our side is still very good. But as lokførere bothers us that passengers is not going to work. It sorry we recommend, ” says Ringdal.

Conflict is about a national standard for the training of engineers who will have approval to run trains in Norway. Lokomotivmannsforbundet firet on the claim originally raised in a proposed solution this week. They can go on myndighetsfastsatte requirements, provided that the NSB and the Range could be with on a voluntary agreement until the authorities are finished with their work.

Forhandlingsklimaet is difficult and Ringdal characterize the latest developments as “very frustrating”.

Owe on employers

– For us, it is important that we get a national standard of competence. Not where it is based. It is the employers who now keeps this conflict going, and argues with vicarious motives, ” says Ringdal.

Anne-Karin Bratten is seemingly agrees and says the competency requirements do not belong in a collective agreement, but in the legislation. Still, adds she blamed on lokførerne for that not this time was any solution to the conflict.

– It is the authorities that determine the contents of the different educations, and both employers and trade unions have ample opportunity to provide input to this work, ” she says.

According to Ringdal will Range and NSBs proposed solution would imply a kind of frislipp after eight months and until a national policy is in place.


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