Thursday, October 6, 2016

Was on the moose hunt – killed wolf – VG

When the shot was fired, thought hunter Georg Wahlstrøm (38): What fanken have I done now?

The 38-year-old hunter has hunted since he was 12 years old. Nevertheless, when he was on duty in the forest in Froland in Aust-Agder Thursday morning, he saw something he have never seen before:

Wahlstrøm, waiting on moose, but in the slope on the other side of a small valley, he saw a light, small shape.

I set the glasses mine, and was never in doubt. It was a wolf.

It says Wahlstrøm to VG on Thursday night. He says over the phone that the wolf is dead, behind in his car. So what happened?

Read also: Ulvejakten in time despite protests

Shot from 100 meters

the Hunter followed the wolf in the scope view for a while, and he saw that it was on its way towards the jaktkameratens mail. He sat down for to get a most stable shooting position.

The advance had Wahlstrøm thought about what he would do if he should ever come across the wolf inside the forest, while he was hunting. He had asked himself: If he has the law on their side, and if he has the chance, he will shoot?

Now was the chance. Wahlstrøm set about 100 yards from the wolf.

I shouted for that the wolf would stop. The wolf stopped and I pulled the trigger.

the Animal fell straight to the ground, according to Wahlstrøm, who says he ran quickly toward the place where the wolf lay.

I thought: What fanken have I done now?

you Got with you? the Death of the wolf was full of rat poison

<p>DOCUMENTATION: Jergerne photographed  the wolf right after it was shot.</p>

DOCUMENTATION: Jergerne photographed the wolf right after it was shot.

Photo: Georg Wahlstrøm


The first thing he and his friend did was to call the rovviltkontakten.

The dead wolf that lay dead in front of them, was a bitch on 38,5 kg.

1. October started lisensjakt wolves in Norway. In the region that includes the county of Vestfold, Buskerud, Telemark and Aust-Agder have hunters allowed to shoot two wolf until 31. march.

– the Wolf was seen also in the running of a elgjaktlag, but it was only today it was fields, ” says rovviltkontakt Lars Johan, several people have lost in the Norwegian nature inspectorate the Norwegian broadcasting corporation NRK.

He says further:

– More farmers miss the sheep that they can’t find again. We have up to 20 sheep we have performed skadedokumentasjon on, where the conclusion is assumed wolf or documented wolf says several people have lost.

Wahlstrøm know that ulvedebatten are inflamed.

– What are you thinking about having shot a wolf?

I have no strong feelings for or against ulvejakt, but I know that the wolf has taken a lot of sheep in the area here. As long as we have the license, so is it well, not a big issue?

Wahlstrøm get to keep the wolf he shot. He thinks to stop it out.

– I can have it in the living room, but it all depends on my wife then decide to move out, ” he says and laughs.


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