Thursday, October 6, 2016

This is the math that makes Trine personally disappointed Erna – the Newspaper.en

(Dagbladet): – It was Erna Solberg who personally gave us a promise of “significant reductions”. If she didn’t have anything more to go on, so must she say it from The pulpit, ” said Trine Skei Grande to the press after finanstalen to Siv Jensen.

the Left-the leader makes it clear that this is a budget she can’t support unless they get significant victories in the negotiations, and that she still is willing to withdraw its support to the government

the Government’s proposal can hardly be said to be a contribution to meet neither the Paris agreement or The own goal at the klimaområdet, says Venstreleder Trine Skei Grande to the Newspaper.

PRIME minister: Erna Solberg (H) calling this year’s budget as the greenest budget ever. Video: Dagbladet Show more

Also the Liberal fiscal policy spokesman Terje Breivik traps a smashing judgment of the klimaprofilen in the state budget.

This is a klimabudsjett without aspirations. Of course, it’s not good enough that the state budget does not meet the promises made by the Erna Solberg has given both the Parliament and the united nations, says Breivik.

Thursday, let the minister of finance Siv Jensen, the Norwegian government’s proposals for the national budget.

In the indicated by the projections in the budget from 2014, then also based on the present coalition politics, it is disclosed that with this budget then is added up to a reduction of the utlipp in non-kvotepliktig sector from 2014 to 2030 of only 0.3 million tons of reduction in CO2-equivalents.

the Government estimates that the national greenhouse gas emissions to 2030 will be cut by 2.1 per cent.

From 2005-2016, Norway has managed to cut 0.3 tonnes. With this budget Norway must cut 850 000 tonnes per year until 2030 to reach the goal, points to the Left.

FINANSMINISTERENS SISTER: Nina Jensen comes with a prayer to the Trine Skei Grande before the state budget will be presented. She is skeptical about what the government has notified of the changes on the green shift. She believes they now sign a resignation with the Left, that requires the most green government budget. Video: Dagbladet Show more

- Resignation

Zero is also hardcore in his assessment.

This is a avskjeddsøknad from the government, and they cancel it the green shift, ” says fagsjef in Zero, Kåre Gunnar Fløystad to the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet, about he elaborates:

Budget means a cut of 2 per cent by 2030, while we have committed to cut emissions by 40% within the non-kvotepliktig sector within the same time. We must have a completely different tact if we are to reach the commitments in the Parisavtalen.

Congratulations Frp

MDG react to it the same as Zero:

This is a betrayal of future generations. We use the future oljepenger to keep the after party for the oljeepoken. It is just to congratulate for the Right of passage, ” says Rasmus Hansson, national spokesperson of Miljøpartiet De Green.

Hansson refers to the fact that the government itself state that this budget will cut the 2.1 per cent of the emissions in Norway by 2030, even if the goal is to cut them by 40 percent. Emissions from both road traffic and oil will go up. Pollution from road transport will increase by 7.4 per cent in the next 13 years.

GREEN CHANGE: Those that pollute a lot have to pay a little more, and to a greater extent pay for the costs they cause to society, ” says minister of finance Siv Jensen during the press conference after the budget has been put forward. Video: Dagbladet Show more

A mean, on their side, that the government wonder Left.

the Government keeps the environment and the Left of the fun with these small adjustments. The result of the so-called green skatteskiftet is that emissions for the total fleet likely to increase, says the socialist left fiscal spokesperson Snorre Valen.

Increased taxes of 1.6 billion

It was associated with considerable excitement to the government’s climate change measures, after that a week ago presented its proposal for a green skatteskifte.

Left black, then, that “the government is not in the vicinity of to fulfill the agreement” to which they have committed themselves to, and the Newspaper could afterwards reveal the calculation that was the basis for that Erna Solberg stated that avgiftspakka would lead to 200 000 tonnes of CO2 in reduced greenhouse gas emissions. The institute of transport meant was the calculation was unrealistic, and said that the effect would be far lower.

the Government stressed then that they had to wait until the other measures in the budget before one can pass a judgment, but now all the details known and the Left is far from impressed. They also respond to that utslippskuttene that is calculated is retrieved from the avfallsdeponigasser and fluorinated gases:

“It is, first and foremost, emissions of avfallsdeponigasser and fluorinated gases which account for the decline in emissions after 2014 until 2030,” it says in the national budget.

Not given

the Government proposes to increase the taxes on the emissions of greenhouse gases and on the use of fuel with a total of 1.6 billion.

Green skatteskift

the Government let Friday forward his proposal for a green skatteskifte in the budget for 2017.

the Proposal implies that bensinavgiften be increased by 15 cents, dieselavgiften with 35 cents and mineraloljeavgiften by 20 øre per litre.

the annual Fee is reduced by 12 per cent, the rates in pendlerfradraget be increased and avskrivningssatsene for trucks, vans and taxis will be higher.

It introduced a tilskuddsordning to reduce bompengetakster outside the major cities. The government will spend 500 million on this purpose, which will give a reduction of around 10 per cent in bompengesatsene on the state and fylkesveiprosjekter.

in Total, they provide two points and the net tax and avgiftsreduksjoner for motorists in excess of 900 million.

Sources: Ministry of finance, NTB

the Government will among other things increase the veibruksavgiften on diesel and gasoline. To make up for these avgiftsøkningene, will be given at the same time easing and the compensation payments in a total of 900 million through reduced fees, reduced tolls, increased reisefradrag and increased depreciation rate.

Siv Jensen believes on their side that this budget meets the budsjettavtalen with samarbeidspartiene from 2016.

Overall helps the green skatteomleggingen to reinforce through and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, ” said Siv Jensen during his finanstale.

despite the frustration has not Skei Grande given up the fight yet:

the Liberal main task in the negotiations is to make sure we get a budget that provides lower greenhouse gas emissions and more lasting, green jobs, ” says Skei Grande.

the Case is updated.

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