Monday, October 3, 2016

The government proposes new folkeregisterlov – Fjordabladet

We are modernizing the national population Register and synleggjer if the identity is verified. Bright rules for teieplikt and disclosure of information styrkar privacy, says minister of finance Siv Jensen (Frp).

the Goal is more updated rules, and a more brukarvenleg population. Today’s folkeregisterlov is from the 1970 and meets not the requirements of the regulation of a personregister.

the Ministry of finance believes that the national registry today is vulnerable because identitetane to foreigners living in very varying degree is controlled. According to the bill should now be brought to light about the identity of a person is checked when it should be brought into the registry.

– It will make it harder to create fake identitetar that can be used for crime. This styrkar control with identitetar and contributes to better quality in the national Register, ” says Jensen.

In the state budget for 2016 it was løyvd 101 million to the modernisation of the national population Register, which the government believes is an important measure for increased digitization and streamlining of the public sector. (©NPK)


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