Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Sp-Lundteigen about The gigantsprekk: Management has the responsibility, and this should … – Aftenposten

– It is Political leadership that has responsibility, and a way kostnadssprekk should have consequences, says the Centre party’s Per Olaf Lundteigen, who sits in the control and konstitusjonskomiteen in Parliament, to the newspaper Aftenposten.

What he says after that, in a case in VG on Tuesday became known that the expenses in connection with the rehabilitation of an office building and the construction of the new driveway to the stortingsgarasjen increases by a further 400 million.

It comes at the top of that last year it became known that the project that originally was to cost 1.1 billion, would be 300 million more expensive.

Sluttregningen is at 1.8 billion.

– Gave the impression that it was under control

Lundteigen says that he is awaiting the statement from the leadership of the Parliament, i.e. the director general Ida Børresen and president of the storting, Olemic Thommessen (H), before he can say more about how he looks on the case.

– What other consequences are appropriate, than it is that The director should resign?

I have not desire to comment at the present time. We had the case in the control and konstitusjonskomiteen in connection with the state budget a year ago. When I wrote, as I say now, is that there had to be consequences. It was then given a statement from The president that gave the impression that it was now under control, says Lundteigen.

What kind of answer can she give that is good enough that she can continue in the position?

I’m very excited, ” he says.

Kolberg: – Worrying and serious

members of the Labour party, Martin Kolberg, as the leader control and konstitusjonskomiteen, says that they will look at the case the first time they meet, that is Tuesday next week.

– This is disturbing and serious. I will not say more than the two words before the matter comes in the state budget. There will come as a separate attachment, ” he says.

– Who is responsible for this?

– I will not pronounce myself about the ansvarsforholdet before we have seen the written material. Currently, we have only been a presentation of the case, ” he says.

What did you explained orally?

We got the same explanation that they’ve come up with in the media, that they believe that the consultants have done an inadequate work.

– Passed a resolution on declining basis

Børresen received on Tuesday afternoon sent several questions from Aftenposten through The kommunikasjonsavdeling. These are also answered in a mail, sent from the communication department.

the Main reason for the increase in the cost limit is in error and is missing in kontraktsgrunnlaget, which is prepared by Multiconsult. This is the basis for the contract, the Norwegian Parliament has with the executing contractor. This has led to it after the start of construction has occurred major changes in the project. Additional work costs more when they come in the construction period and especially when the changes are so extensive that in this case, the printer Børresen in the email.

Multiconsult is The supplier of engineering and consulting on the project.

– as the major shortcomings in the kontraktsgrunnlaget has been uncovered, has the Parliament made many efforts to get the project under control. The parliament has brought in additional external assistance. It is inter alia employed an external project manager and assures the quality. In addition, we have received external to perform repeated usikkerhetsanalyser to get the best possible basis to calculate an estimated cost, she writes further.

Want to sue Multiconsult

On the issues which go on the her responsibility, which consequence it should have for her and whether she should terminate her position, she says the following:

– Both the administration and the presidency feel a huge responsibility for what has happened and has made many efforts underway in the process, as mentioned above. The work of this project started in 2011. The presidencies in the period have followed the project closely all the time. We have continuously made decisions about the project according to the best discretion and on the basis of the information existing on the specified times.

the Parliament of the alerts that the plaintiff Multiconsult, and that they will claim damages from the company.

Aftenposten has tried to get in touch with the president of the storting Olemic Thomessen Tuesday evening, but has so far failed to get answers.

We must say that the Parliament has passed a resolution on a fairly constant basis, because konsulentenes work was incomplete and contained some major errors, ” says stortingspresidenten to VG.

Owe on the complexity

Multiconsult explains the increased costs with the project’s complexity.

It is far more complicated than some had thought in advance. This happens in an area with a lot of traffic, and with the infrastructure below ground that no one had any knowledge of in advance. Parliament chose even to have the project management and run it in their own direction, ” says communications manager Gaute Christensen in the company to VG.

He did not want to answer if they have acknowledged any responsibility, or whether they have paid back the money in the process.


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