Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Oil service-the strike is over – Today’s Business

the oil service sector

The three-week-long strike is over.

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the Strike began on Wednesday 21. september 07. After 20 days was the Norwegian oil and gas and the Industry Energy agreed to a new appointment.

the Parties in oljeserviceoppgjøret came Tuesday to an agreement. Thus ends oljeservicestreiken that has stopped the 17 rigs on the shelf.

- Lasting change

“We get a lasting change of lønnsmatrisen that our members will serve on,” says forhandlingsleder in the Industry, Energy, Ommund above it are the components in a press release.

According to the union for a craftsman in ten years could earn up to 199.000 million more on their settlement compared with the Box-the settlement.

the Settlement means that the oljeserviceansatte get a general addition from streikens end on the 3100 million. From 1. January 2017 receive Industry Energy’s members further 9100 million. This is in lieu of ansiennitetsopprykk, according to the message.

- Moderation and humility

of course, We are pleased that the strike has ended. Our mantra in the negotiations has been the temperance and humility in the face of the very difficult situation the industry and its many employees find themselves in. Now we have found a solution through the reassignment of lønnsmidler, says forhandlingsleder Jan Hodneland in the Norwegian oil and gas in a press release.

According to the message has the Industrial Energy, during the conflict, taken out of about 300 members on strike at Schlumberger Norge AS and Baker Hughes Norge AS, Halliburton AS, Oceaneering AS Oceaneering Asset Integrity AS.

As a direct and indirect result of this has just under 600 people have been laid off in the Norwegian oil and gas’ member companies.

In addition, the Norwegian shipowners ‘ association warned about over 1700 permitteringer among riggselskapene in the course of the strike.

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