Wednesday, October 5, 2016

– Failed the children when they got the power – Dagsavisen

Kraftsalven comes after that save the Children has taken a full review of how the government’s policies safeguard the children on the ten key policy areas.

the Conclusion is clear: the Norwegian government gets the red card to fail children both nationally and internationally.

In save the Children’s “Barnometer” in 2016, as the ministry of children and equality minister Solveig Horne (Frp) are getting handed out today, turns it is stated that the government deserve:

* the Red card in order not to let Norwegian children get complaint to the united nations in violation of their own rights – so including Denmark, Finland and Germany do.

* the Red card because it proposes a law that says that omsorgssentre for unaccompanied, minor asylum seekers under 15 years, may have lower staffing levels and less barnefaglig expertise than today. In addition, the increased use of temporary stay – contrary to Parliament’s will that in June resulted in a no to extend the scheme.

* the Red card for sprawling development policy internationally. The Solberg-government removed utviklingsministerposten in 2013. To ensure a holistic and coherent policy for development, the post development minister be restored, according to save the Children.

– does not Take responsibility

In addition, the government six “yellow card” and a “green card” – for its focus on education internationally. What matters who ends up on the list is determined by the save the Children themselves, and can vary from year to year.

” We are especially upset over the fact that Norway is not joining to the united nations alternative dispute resolution system for children when their rights are broken. It can be mobbesaker, barnevernssaker, violence and abuse or other things. The common denominator is that children experience the offended, and stand quite alone, and powerless back, ” says Thale Skybak, head of save the Children.

the Ombudsman may not treat complaints from children. At the same time, experience shows that it is difficult for children to complain to the Norwegian courts of law.

– That the national klagemulighetene is so bad, makes it all the worse that the government recently said no to something that would have strengthened children’s rights and the rule of law both nationally and globally, ” says Skybak.


Questions about the English adherence to the child’s right of appeal in the united nations is not only a weakening of the Norwegian children’s rights. It also involves a giant turnaround in the coalition parties-Right and conservative party.

In July 2012, promoted Right, Frp, KrF and Left the following stortingsforslag: “the Storting asks the government put forward an issue about the Un barnekonvensjons additional protocol on the right of appeal.”

The time the said Right and the political Right: “Norway’s refusal has a strong signal effect (..). It is also unfortunate for the children in Norway that the government is obstructing a scheme that will provide children with strengthened protection.”

Last Friday said the Conservative minister of foreign affairs Børge Brende: “the Main reason that the government will not promote the proposal for English votes in the dispute resolution system now, is that it is associated with considerable uncertainty to the consequences of the scheme can get for the Norwegian political freedom”.

There is an explanation, save the Children, not the buyer:

– This is on the contrary about the lack of willingness to take on the obligations Norway has undertaken after the child convention seriously. The foreign minister is wrong when he says that human rights are well protected in Norway. The Norwegian judiciary is not child friendly, ” says Skybak.

Ratified in 29 countries

With a background in that our Danish and Finnish neighbours has given the children the right of appeal, of the agreement ratified by 29 countries, it is totally unreal that the government does not provide Norwegian children the same opportunity, believes save the Children.

– Our only hope now is that the Parliament takes responsibility and ensures children the right of appeal. If Norway will be the forefront for the rights of the child this is absolutely crucial, ” says Skybak.

Among the things the government gets “yellow card” for increased child poverty, which today affects more than 92.000 children here in the country, and a lack of follow-up of Djupedalutvalgets report on combating bullying. In addition, save the Children, that the existing action plan against sexual abuse of children is too little concrete. But at some point get the government endorsed.

“Norway has lifted the education on the international agenda. Norway has particularly fought for children in crisis and conflict areas to get education and that schools are protected from attack. Education is greatly under-funded, and Norway has been a driving force for a global utdanningskommisjon and a fund for education in crisis,” writes save the Children in the report.

the ministry of Children and equality minister Solveig Horne wanted yesterday not to comment on the case when she has not yet seen the save the Children report.


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