Monday, April 18, 2016

The roof of the middle school collapsed in heavy fire – Adresseavisen

Incident in Kristiansund was notified about the fire at Smøla middle school on Dyrnes clock 6:09 Monday morning.

– Struggled with the water supply

Police wrote on Twitter that the fire department struggled with the water supply on site.

– The time 7:30 had the fire department received water supply from the lake. They strive to rescue the rest of the school, said operations Tove Anita Asp og Romsdal police.

Just before at 9:00 tells Asp that one wing is completely destroyed.

– There was heavy fire development at first, but it looks like the fire brigade control. As the situation is now, there is no risk of spreading, and the fire department is working to prevent more buildings disappear, she says.

The fire spread further

Early Monday morning informed the police that the fire broke through the roof. There should have been people in or near the building.

Police and ambulance was delayed because they had to take the ferry to the island near the border with South Trondelag.

– There were reports of control after the fire department had created a fire division and focused on saving the associated building that was on fire. But soon after at 10.00 broke out a fire in the ceiling of this building, said Fire champion Kjetil Sivertsen 110 exchange in North og Romsdal.

The time 10.18 was reported controlled the fire in the ceiling of the second building.

– We are now working with for extinction, says Sivertsen.

Wenche Farstad, a journalist for the local newspaper northwestern New, is on site. She says that the roof of one wing collapsed.

Pupils transported away

– Administration Wing is burned. The roof has collapsed, and the fire department struggling with water supply, said Farstad.

Rector Marit Neerland Hopshaug says that no school for any students Monday.

– It is not possible to driving school there today. I’m headed to City Hall to meet the administrative management, says headmaster to Adresseavisen.

Students at Bakka Myra elementary transported to North Smøla school, while secondary school students transported to Smøla Hall. Children at Brattvær kindergarten are offered in other kindergartens, writes Smøla municipality on their websites.

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