Sunday, April 3, 2016

Still hunting for unknown assailants in Dunstable – ABC News

The man is hospitalized in intensive care at Drammen Hospital with serious injuries. The attack occurred in an apartment in a femmannsbolig in Dunstable.

There were three assailants, all in their 20s, police said. The three described as ethnic Norwegian, spoke eastern dialect and was completely unknown 53-year-old.

Police does not exclude that the three entered the wrong apartment.

– It’s something we investigates. But this is nevertheless an ugly and serious assault case. When we arrived at the place, we found the man seriously injured. He had blood in the lungs and was so exhausted that he had the right to hospital, said police operations manager Kjell Reidar Johansen.

The abuse lasted long

He said the attack occurred at 2 o’clock, but police first received notice of case clock 3.22. The message came from the man himself.

– The abuse lasted long, maybe 20-25 minutes, the man explained to us. There was a knock on the window, the man opened the door to see what was going on, and two of them pushed his way into the apartment and gjøv attacked him. They beat, kicked and scratched with a knife. He was even bitten by one of them, says operational manager.

According to NRK, was used both switchblade and kitchen knife during the abuse.

The three culprits shall be in the middle of 20- years, one perhaps somewhat younger than the other two. One is dark and about 185 centimeters tall, others man had reddish hair, and the third and youngest, who eventually emerged, had blond hair with side parting.

Third Party probably waited outside in a car before he went in., think the police.

May have been wrong man

the assailants took among other things with the man’s cell phone, says operational manager NTB, but the motive for the attack was to rob the man, is unclear.

– But we are investigating whether the three may have been looking for someone other than 53-year-old, says Johansen.

53-year-old from Hokksund is completely unknown to the police. Crime Technicians investigated man’s residence on Saturday morning.

Police asking for tips from witnesses who may have seen something. The perpetrators left probably the place in car.


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