Monday, April 18, 2016

Police investigating the death of two months old baby girl –

(Dagbladet): Saturday 16 April, police in Romerike message about the death of a two months old baby girl.

In a press release sent out today writes that the cause of death is unclear and that they are now investigating the case.

– The girl was autopsied today, but it is uncertain when we get some answers from the autopsy, said police attorney Line THORSBERG at Romerike Police told Dagbladet.

She says that it was the girl’s parents called AMK-center Saturday night and notified a dead or lifeless baby.

– It was attempted resuscitation, but the child was pronounced dead pretty quickly, she said.

– It was a very unexpected deaths and when an otherwise healthy child dies it is important to investigate the cause of death, she said.

the child was taken to Akershus University Hospital (Ahus).


the father of the child was taken to the police station to explain himself Saturday night. There he was arrested and had to stay overnight at the police station. He was released Sunday.

– In day he would return to give a new explanation, but when he was arrested again, says his defender Dag Svensson told Dagbladet.

The lawyer says that his father did not acknowledge guilt.

– He has given an explanation about what happened Saturday and he is dismissive of that he has done nothing wrong, says Svensson.

the mother’s lawyer, Gunhild Lærum says to Rome Blad that parents perceive that their daughter died from cot death.

– They are of course devastated and understands nothing. They have lost a daughter in what they consider SIDS, she told the newspaper


Both parents were accompanied THORSBERG questioned today.

– The death came as a surprise to them, says THORSBERG.

According to VG, is also the mother indicted in the case. She is now hospitalized for psychiatric treatment.

– We can currently not give any further comment, but will come back with more information at a later date, enter the police press release.

Dagbladet update case


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