Thursday, March 17, 2016

Ministry of Justice: Taking Krekar ruling under advisement – Sunnmørsposten

Krekar was in 2003 adopted expelled from Norway for reasons of national security. As long as the government does not receive guarantees that he avoids torture or death in their home country Iraq is an issue, however the question.

In October Krekar sentenced to prison for having come with threats and called for criminal acts in a NRK interview, but the verdict was appealed, and on Thursday was Krekar again a free man after the Court of Appeal acquitted him.

Meanwhile, 59-year-old accused by Italian authorities in another case, and the country has requested him extradited there.

– Mullah Krekar is notoriously charged with terrorist plots in Italy. This is an ongoing extradition proceedings in Norway handled by prosecutors. It will be treated in the normal way under the provisions of the Extradition Act and the European Convention on Extradition. It is therefore natural that I do not comment on the matter beyond that, says Vanebo.

Aftenposten has reported that Oslo District Court has scheduled a hearing in June on whether Krekar be extradited. (© NTB)


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