Sunday, March 27, 2016

Launches “It’s no disgrace-hat” – Driva

You have probably heard about the green sjekkelua – which was DNT April Fools in 2014. The joke took off and spread in social media. Now you may get a long look if you wander around in the mountains and woods with green hat.

– Have you green hat, it means that you are single. Have you red hat are you busy. The green hat has been peaks, says Ingvild Lundberg Bakke, Communications DNT, in a press release.

Now take DNT it one step further and launching a reversible hat. Red on one side and green on the other.

– We have received more feedback that people want a hat that can quickly change marital status. The requests for the reversible red / green-cap has actually been so great that now we are started to produce such a hat.

The Norwegian Trekking underlines the importance of taking the mountain code into the checking, and encourages people to turn the cap in time.

– We urges obviously to not engage in dirty tricks in the mountains. There is no disgrace, quite the contrary; it’s great to show the world that you have found someone, Bakke says with a smile.

The Norwegian Trekking Association has a long tradition of helping people to find love. 28 years ago introduced the “Fjelltreffen”, a service that helps you find tour mates. “Fjelltreffen” alive and well, now A few years later began DNT arranging tours for singles and the filling is still the year.

– In the mountains greet everyone at each other and lower your shoulders. It is a good venue to be known because they meet face to face, and you already know that you have something in common, says Ingvild Lundberg Bakke.

– And you wonder how to go forward when you meet someone with the green page? Use mountain check the rules! she encourages.


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