Thursday, March 17, 2016

Air passenger tax postponed to June – Moss Avis

The plan was to introduce the tax on April 1, but that was before the EFTA Surveillance Authority on Thursday of last week contacted the government. The message was that the tax exemption for transfer passengers are not properly notified.

– If implemented in its current form, and to an extent which includes government subsidies, ESA treat it as “unlawful aid”, said in a letter of Trade and fisheries Ministry.

– a respite, and a step in the right direction, says Pål F. Tandberg Moss Avis about Jensens exposure.


– Most sensible

the concern that exists was also pointed out during the consultation process, but the government has always maintained that the fee does not include state aid and that the notification to the ESA therefore not necessary.

Finance Siv Jensen (FRP) is confident that the levy despite ESA inquiry will be introduced as intended by Parliament.

– We have always dealt loyally with the parliamentary resolution. But when ESA will now examine the case and promises to make a decision quickly, it is prudent to defer the tax. That way we avoid the risk that any aid must be repaid, says Jensen said.

Tandberg commenting the statement as follows:

– It is both wise and prudent to adjourn the case . And so we hope that breathing pause is used to assess all the 130-140 suggestions that have come from various quarters. ESA has with domestic traffic to do. We are keen to preserve jobs, and that this is an environmental tax that does not hit .

– Important Victory

The tax was supposed to bring in about one billion NOK in revenue to the state in 2016, assuming that it was introduced from 1 April.

at the controversial air passenger duty initially postponed to June 1 is an important partial victory to stop the charge, believes Geir Pollestad in industry committee in Parliament.

– This is an important partial victory to stop air passenger tax. Nevertheless, it is unlikely that it will be easier for the government to implement the fee from June 1, establishes the committee’s chairman.

– The government should now start with a clean slate rather than to patch up a fee that is not an accurately environmental measures and which also affects districts and workplaces, says Pollestad

A thought-provoking, believes Real

Harald J. Andersen, political director of the Real, is delighted that the government has now decided to postpone the air passenger tax.

– This shows that it is a bad idea to introduce charges on late night hours to get the state budget to go up. This should be an eye-opener for the government and parliament, says Harald J. Andersen, political director of the Real.

It is not the first time Real express themselves in dire terms about the disputed tax. The organization has always believed that tax has negative consequences for the rural areas, is an ineffective environmental tax and affects competition.

– We are surprised how little thoughtful fee is. Here it should both Government and Parliament teaching of nocturnal misstroke budgeting. Both plastic bag fee, which the government and supporting parties went on losses, and air passenger duty are examples of this, says Andersen.

Parliament Erlend Wiborg (FRP) believes all opponents of the air passenger tax has now been given an important partial victory.

– I have fought for a postponement of the implementation of this tax so that we can buy us more time to gain a majority to remove the entire fee, says Wiborg.

Facts about air passenger duty

  • Passed by Parliament in December last year and initially planned introduced from 1 April this year. The introduction has been postponed to 1 June.
  • The fee is levied on all departures from Norwegian airports at a rate of 80 million per passenger, plus VAT, totaling 88 million.
  • The charge was a part of the budget agreement between Right / FRP-government and cooperation parties Left and Christian Democrats from November 2015.
  • the new tax is to be presupposed give the state 1 billion in revenue this year.
  • According to the Parliamentary decision shall airline passengers who must travel with several planes, only pay one fee. Finance Ministry proposes as a condition for this that journeys take place with the same company, or companies with cooperation.
  • EFTA Surveillance Authority wrote last week to Industry and Fisheries Ministry that the tax exemption for such transfer passengers could be illegal state aid.

Source: NTB


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