Sunday, March 13, 2016

Fire at the Hotel Bristol, over 200 evacuated –

(Dagbladet): All emergency services, six fire engines and two rescue vehicles, jerked afternoon out to a fire at the Hotel Bristol in Oslo.

The police was notified about the fire at 16.58. 17.17 reports brannvesnet that they have control.

– There have been smoke from a garbage room, we have smoke divers who have taken to the fire area. There has been some smoke, but we now have control, said guard commander in Oslo fire and rescue Henning Buaas.

– What has burned burned out, says Buaas.

– All emergency services are on setdet and work to find the cause, said operations Gjermund Stokkli Dagbladet.

– It is too early to say if it is burned. But we are there now and examine the scene and started investigation, he informs.

Operations says that over 200 people were evacuated from the hotel.

No one was injured, but 166 guests, 44 employees and some guests at the restaurant was evacuated, he informs.

In addition, trams and tram notified, because they have routes near the hotel.

– Even small fires often dire consequences when it is in the center. But it should start to normalize there now, says Stokkli at 17:30.

Last night it burned two apartment buildings in Oslo, at Oranienburg and one in Trondheimsveien in Sinsen. Police suspects quickly that at least one of the fires were set alight.

Both fires started in respectively a sjaktrom and a trashcan in cellars of apartment buildings.

This morning was a 68 year-old man arrested. He attributed initially to a small fire in Toyen.

– He has been arrested in connection with fires in a trashcan and a container in Oslo of Friday night, said operations manager Cathrine Sylju Oslo police.


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