Thursday, January 21, 2016

Six people have been indicted in corruption case in Drammen –

DRAMMEN (Dagbladet): The female caseworker (57) and man (44) who should have been her accomplices, are both indicted for serious corruption.

The woman was remanded in custody for four weeks. 44-year-old produced for remand in Drammen District Court at 13 today. Neither of the two has admitted guilt for the charges.

In addition to the two municipal employees, four project owners who are questioned in the case, charged by the police.

– We have so far questioned four people. They are charged with all four, says Ole Johan Brett, head of finance guard section at the former Southern Buskerud Police District told Dagbladet.

Will grow

The case can still grow significantly in scope: The police are looking at around 30 construction projects where the female caseworker should have received money or otherwise acted in contravention of the regulations.

The woman should have received money directly into his private account, but should also have received large amounts of cash. Police also found remittances between the corruption accused the woman and the medsiktede 44-year-old.

The division of labor between the two must have existed in the 44-year-old stocked up “customers”, while the 57 years old woman made sure to get cases through the system.

In parallel with police work underway in Drammen municipality a major cleanup work, where one continuously build revoke permissions that are granted. Many of build cases involved the construction of rental parts, or rebuilding of houses to apartments.

The municipality has indicated that they will require forfeit any rental income that is acquired on the basis of incorrect information. It will also be necessary to demolish many of the illegal buildings.

Incompetent Deputy Mayor

Yesterday it became clear that Deputy Mayor of Drammen, Yousuf Gilani, has joined incompetent in the matter, because his family is involved.

One third of the properties police are investigating in connection with the corruption case, belong to close family members of Gilani, NRK writes.

Gilani is now in Pakistan on a trip that was planned before the corruption case came up.

– I’ve registered incompetent, it is the most tidy. What individuals in my family does, I can not be responsible for, says Gilani told Dagbladet by telephone from Pakistan today.

He will not seek leave from his job as deputy mayor, as some drammen politicians have taken advocated today.

– They will believe what they want, I have said what I mean, and have notified me biased from the start. The political opponents that will make political capital on this is allowed to stand for it themselves, says Gilani told Dagbladet.


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