Thursday, January 21, 2016

Asylum seekers have sought refuge in church – VG

KIRKENES / OSLO (AP) While police cordons off the area around the asylum center, has three people sought refuge in the church in Kirkenes.

There are indications that the police make clear to the new deportation of asylum seekers to Russia. Inside the center of Kirkenes is hung up a list of about 30 people to be sent out today, according to volunteers.

VG has been in contact with asylum seekers inside the center, saying that they must take the clock 11. They tell of a gloomy mood.

Meanwhile, several asylum seekers left center.

– Sought church asylum

Sør-Varanger congregation confirmed to VG two men and a woman have sought refuge in the church in Kirkenes. They arrived between nine o’clock and ten in the morning.

– As of now, we have got three church asylum seekers. I have convened an extraordinary parish meeting. So we’ll come back to what we do after the meeting, said churchwarden in Sør-Varanger congregation, Wenche Jessen Dervola, VG.

Background : Will turn asylum seekers on the Russian border

It is unclear whether the church asylum applicants are among those who have been notified that they would be sent out today. After the VG indicates information that is not the case for at least two of the three of them.

At the same time VG reported that a family five were taken care of by the police while they were in the process of being transported to church asylum. TV2 reports that the family is arrested, but this has not been confirmed VG.

Police Roadblocks

Police in Eastern Finnmark confirms that they are in place outside the camp in Kirkenes and that they will cordon off the area.

– There is a danger that people might abscond , said operations manager Lars Rune Hagen.

– Has anyone run away so far?

– After what we experience, then it’s probably there.

Hagen says they did not list how many terms, and where they have gone.

Also read: Merete drove asylum seekers away from reception

– Worried and scared

Lawyer says Halvor Frihagen that his clients got refusal to postpone implementation nine o’clock Thursday.

– So I’ve heard from NOAS that there is a bus that will go at 10 and that families with children should sent out, said lawyer Halvor Frihagen VG earlier formdidag.

Learn more : Lawyer require stoppage of return

He represent two families , hence one has children with special needs.

– I talked to one family at nine. They were very concerned and afraid. I said I did not know about any legal way to stop the deportation on.

 & lt; p & gt; LIST: This list of some 30 names  are hung up inside the center of Kirkenes, if  & # xF8; lge volunteers. & lt; br / & gt; &  lt; / p & gt;

LIST: This list of some 30 names are hung inside center in Kirkenes, according to volunteers.


– What have they been notified?

– As far as I knew they had not been properly notified, they had just seen the buses. They are kept in total situation of uncertainty, where they would be unaware of what is going to happen before it happens. It is not a constitutional one.

See also: Listhaug defends controversial asylum rebounds

Should get packed

Siri Rustad, local leader of the UDI on arrival center Finnmark, stated to the Times yesterday that there are around 70 people in camp Wednesday.

She said they emitted will leave with the packed transport and that” it shall be arranged with accommodation in Russia, the hotel or the like, if necessary. “

Also read: 371 sent back to Russia in 2015

 & lt; p & gt ; P & # xc5; PLACE:  guards are outside the arrival center in Kirkenes.  & lt; / p & gt;

ON SITE: guards are outside the arrival center in Kirkenes.


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