Saturday, May 16, 2015

Wanted in murder case arrested in Oslo Saturday – Aftenposten

A 29-year-old who has been clamoring for the death of Mohammad Arshad at Manglerud in Oslo in 2013, was arrested at the airport Saturday night.

– He was arrested when he landed at the airport in the evening and will be produced for remand on Monday, said police prosecutor Sturla Henriksbø Dagbladet.

29-year-old who was arrested Saturday night, has been clamoring internationally for murder, and has been designated as the one who wielded the deadly violence against a restaurant owner and family whatsoever Mohammad Arshad at Manglerud in Oslo in September 2013.

The man was arrested by Pakistani police in mid-March this year, but to Norwegian police’s surprise and displeasure, he was later released.

According to Dagbladet will 29-year-old is likely to be detained and ending up on the dock in a separate trial.

Three sentenced

In late March, two men were sentenced respectively to eleven years and ten and a half years in prison for complicity in the murder, while a third man was sentenced to seven years in prison for aggravated assault resulting in death.

Mohammad Arshad was assaulted with pepper spray and beaten with an ax handle and a wrench when he just after midnight on 28 September 2013 was found lying on the street with heavy damage as the home of Manglerud.

During an hour after he was found dead father of four of the massive injuries he suffered.

“In aggravating emphasized that the action was planned in a relatively long time. The defendants would leave their cell phones not to be attributed to the event, and they had gloves to prevent DNA traces. They also brought tools. The action seems rehearsed and thought out, “it was said in the judgment.

– principal

The Norwegian-Pakistani 29-year-old who was arrested at the airport Saturday night, escaped from Norway to Pakistan after the murder . During the trial, he was of the other designated as principal and whoever struck the victim repeatedly with a wrench.

The reason why the four followed by 52-year-old must have been that one of the them had a de minimis conflicts with the eldest son of his. Then they followed the family car, they attacked the wrong person – the father.

According to Dagbladet police count the three condemned men as part of the inner circle of the gang Furuset Bad Boys. The fourth – the arrested 29-year-old – was long a part of Young Guns, but has in recent years been regarded more as a kind of freelancer with friends and contacts across the criminal Norwegian-Pakistani community.

29-year-old lawyer, Svein Holden, told in March that the client would return voluntarily to Norway within two months. (© NTB)

Published: May 16th. 2015 11:51 p.m.


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