Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Convicted of bildrap on Tiril (11) and Sara (13) – take the punishment – VG

48-year-old sentenced to five months in prison for negligence bildrap Sara Christiane Holmedahl Sandmark (13) and Tiril Alette Huser Wave (11) anchor not ruling .

It confirms accident driver’s lawyer, Gunhild Lærum.

– Everyone needs peace now, so he accepts the verdict, she said in a brief comment to VG.

48-year-old took time controls concerning the appeal question after sitting nearly motionless when the verdict was handed down in Lower Romerike District Court on Monday 11 May.

In addition to the prison sentence of five months, he lost the right to drive a car for four years, and that he has to pay 125,000 kroner in damages to each of the girls of parents.

The legal aid lawyer for one parent pair, Christian Lundin, said that none of the survivors will appeal the ruling.

– The parents of Sara is relieved that the driver did not anchor. They wanted strongly to be spared another round in court. Now they can add the criminal case behind him, says Lundin VG.

Frode Sulland, counsel for the survivors Tiril, says his clients are also “very relieved.” Now it remains only the public prosecutor’s final decision about an appeal issue.

– I’ll send over the matter with a recommendation to the prosecutor. I would say that it is unlikely with an appeal from the prosecution’s side, said police lawyer Kaare Kalvå to indre.no.

Also read: Bjørkelangen-survivors: – Have caused us a Extra hell

Solid scenes

– I am glad that it is over. The verdict was as expected, said the father of the deceased Tiril, Tor Åge Wave, told reporters after the verdict, which took place exactly 16 months after the accident.

Sara Christiane Holmedahl Sandmark (13) and Tiril Alette Huser Wave (11 ) was hit by a car as they were traveling by horse and sulky on January 11 last year. They later died in hospital.

Did footage the same day as the accident: – One can hear their laughter, which heats very

 attended VERDICT: M & # XF8; the doors to girls, Kjersti Holmedahl Sandmark and Ann Kristin Huser, embracing each other in connection with the ruling. Between them and Tiril father, Thor & # xc5; ge B & # XF8; lge, st & # xE5; s counsel Frode Sulland.
attended VERDICT: The mothers of girls, Kjersti Holmedahl Sandmark and Ann Kristin Huser, embracing each other in connection with the judgment . Between them and Tiril father, Thor Åge wave, standing counsel Frode Sulland. Photo: NTB scanpix

At the trial the first day was very strong scenes that unfolded when the parents the two girls were back on the scene, on the occasion of the court’s inspection.

COMMENT: A courtroom full of sorrow

Earlier in the day, the high temperature in court as counsel for Saras survivor, Christian Lundin, thundered against the 48-year-old.

Claims to not remember

48-year-old has denied culpability for negligence homicide and negligent driving, because he now claims to not remember what happened.

On the scene after the accident, he, however, have said that he would overtake the horse carriage the two girls sat in, but that he could not stopping when he had to cancel the overtaking because it came a car in the oncoming field.

– The Court attaches great importance to these witnesses’ statements, said Judge Anja Bech when she read out the verdict Monday.

Further reading Bech from the judgment that the court rule out that the driver was blinded by the light, or that he had a consciousness that made him can not be blamed for the accident.

– He thinks it appears quite unlikely that he should have tried to overtake. But he has run at them from behind, he knows the. There he takes responsibility in, but he can not explain why it happened, said defender Gunhild Lærum when the verdict was handed down.

See also: Big sister Mary letter to Sara VG

– Unclear why the driver misjudged

The court considerable emphasis on the findings of the expert collision Arvid Aakre, as were the other experts who were appointed by the court, after the first was declared incompetent.

The court believes a likely course of events is that the driver is not slowed down when he overtook the horse carriage, and that he had for speeding when he had to cancel the overtaking because it came in a car opposite.

– It is unclear why the driver misjudged. Mobile was not in use and there were no drugs involved, the judge said, before she made it clear that the cause of misjudgment is not a condition for being able to impose penalties for negligence.

Bech added driver also had a course of action, namely to distort the car out of the ditch to the right.

Got undergo

The bereaved by Sara Christiane Holmedahl Sandmark (13) and Tiril Alette Huser Wave (11) has reacted sharply to the defendant’s alleged amnesia, given that he should have remembered details right after the accident.

The psychologist who for more than one years has treated the accused driver assessed in court credibility around amnesia so.

When the father of the deceased Sara, Jostein Holmedahl Sandmark, testified, did the defendant defends undergo way she should have acted in. Sandmark has previously directed strong criticism against Lærum and her client in VG.


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