Friday, May 15, 2015

Provides 13,000 million increase in income per. FTEs – Aftenposten

The agreement was presented at a press conference Friday night. Norwegian Farmers’ Union represents the negotiations which have been going on all week, that tough.

– We went into this with a desire to come to an agreement for the benefit of farmers and Norwegian food production. There have been constructive negotiations, and on the last day we arrived thus until a result that we believe is acceptable, says leader of the Norwegian Farmers ‘Union, Lars Petter Bartnes.

While the Farmers’ Association have agreed with the government, broke Norwegian Bonde – and Smallholders negotiations Friday afternoon. The organization believes the state offers no room for turning an already negative trend in agriculture.

State initial offer was 90 million, a framework that has now risen to 400 million.

– We are satisfied with a negotiated profit of 310 million kroner. For the benefit of the smaller and medium-sized farms have also been crucial that the proposed cut in transfers of 110 million were reserved. Instead increased transfers reach 45 million, says Bartnes.

He says that peasant demands were originally 24,000 kroner per man in industry. State’s initial offer was of 6,000. The agreement now signed, involves a revenue increase of 13,000 kroner per man next year.

Listhaug: – The farmers are income champions

Agriculture Minister Sylvi Listhaug (FRP) commends Norwegian Farmers’ Union for accountability in agricultural negotiations and designated farmers year income winners in Norway.

a press conference on Friday evening said Listhaug that year’s settlement joined in among several farmers in recent years. She also said this year’s good settlement for farmers set far inside for the government at a time when workers in other industries lose their jobs.

– Also next year, farmers will be recognized winners with a salary increase of 3.75 percent that this agreement entails. That one has had a pay rise from 2014 to 2016 at 12.75 percent said Listhaug.

Listhaug came with powerful rebuke of Norway Farmers and Smallholder that broke negotiations with the government Friday afternoon . She rattled off the organization had broken five of the last six talks with the government, saying it does not in any way take responsibility.

– They take no means the same responsibility that Norwegian Farmers’ Union does, said Listhaug when she presented the consensus between the Government and the Farmers ‘Union.

Q: Do income disparities will increase

The Center says the agreement between the Norwegian Farmers’ Union and the state will increase income disparities between farmers and other groups in society.

– The Centre understanding that farmers have chosen to take into account that there are limits to what farmers can achieve with current political majority. The signed document will therefore contribute to increasing income disparities between farmers and other groups, said parliament member Geir Pollestad in the Center.

In the Center is meant Agriculture Minister Sylvi Listhaug were under strong pressure to reach an agreement before the whole settlement ended in Parliament.

– The Minister was enough in a situation where the risk of fracture was great. The miserable first offer had resulted in a substantial risk of being overrun by Parliament this year. Instead, the minister opted to drive over himself, saying Pollestad.

Now the matter is sent over to Parliament for final consideration. There is every reason to believe that a treaty will go through in Parliament unchanged, believes Pollestad.

Cuts in 17.8 million in fur industry

– We get a cut in freight support for fur-bearing animals, such as FRP has worked for many years, and that the government stands behind, said Agriculture Minister Sylvi Listhaug (FRP) at the press conference where this year’s agricultural settlement was presented.

The agreement is also a cut of 17.8 million in support for fur production.

There are fôrfraktstøtten the fur industry in Norway that are now being cut.

– We are very disappointed and distressed by the outcome in the agricultural settlement. Freight subsidy is a district initiatives that are of great importance for our livestock. There are now examples of farmers who will get an added expense on anything from 200,000 to 350,000 kroner, says director Guri Wormdahl in Norway Pelsdyralslag said.

While Wormdahl reviewing agricultural settlement as “a disaster,” exults animal rights holders.

– This shows that both the government and farmers realize that fur industry is a marginal part of Norwegian agriculture. Norwegians tax money should go into something socially useful, and it is not fur farming, says information officer Live Kleveland in Animal Welfare Alliance.

Published: May 14. 2015 9:05 p.m.


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