Thursday, May 21, 2015

Anundsen: – Slightly more than to say that the failure today is so serious – TV 2

Norway has not been a safer country after the preparedness failed 22 July 2011. It beats OAG in a report that comes with severely criticized Justice Minister Anders ANUNDSEN (FRP) department. OAG characterize criticism as “serious.”

– Three ministries, including Ministry of Justice itself, has rarely followed up recommendations for DSB inspections, there is limited learning exercises and events and there is weak management and monitoring of county government emergency work, summarizes the Auditor General Per-Kristian Foss.

– Has implemented many measures

OAG’s main findings is that “serious weaknesses in the exercise coordination responsibility weakens samfunnssikkerhets- and preparedness efforts. ” When Attorney General Anders Anundsen (FRP) was confronted with this in a direct interview on TV 2 News story 18.30 sending, refused Anundsen that this could be construed as readiness is compromised.

– There are not quite right. This is a judgment over many years and report builds on some of the findings we have made. Therefore, we have implemented a number of improvement measures in the areas OAG now points out, responded Anundsen.

THE DAY THAT CHANGED NORWAY: terrified and injured youngsters transported from Utøya to the mainland on 22 July 2011. Photo: TV2

The Minister of Justice says he takes criticism seriously, but believes it is “little more than” to say that the failure today is so serious because many measures have been implemented.

– So is it also so that changes in the emergency and security will take some time. One of the things I said when we took over after the change of government, was that I was surprised that this work had not come anymore.

Hard criticism preparedness

In Gjørv report investigating preparedness for terrorism on 22 July 2011, the government strongly criticized. According to the Commission could attack on government building have been prevented if we had implemented security measures that were already decided.

The Commission also stated that a faster police action had been possible so terrorist Anders Behring Breivik could have been stopped earlier.

The report was submitted on 13 August 2012. However, in the time that has passed since it revealed no significant improvement in the Ministry of Justice, says OAG.

– It was especially after the July 22 tragedy that Parliament underlined strongly that the work be better done in the administration and that the Justice Department should have a leadership role. It seems we are not done well enough, says Foss.

He does not hide that he is upset over the report shows.

Suspended school right in Parliament

Now Attorney General prepare for a parliamentary hearing on the case. This case is far more serious than the hearing for asylum children, says TV2 political commentator Aslak Eriksrud.

– OAG believes the Justice Ministry also under his leadership makes societal security in Norway poorer, says Eriksrud.

– It is strange that he seems almost untouched by the Auditor General, Per-Kristian Foss says that he personally is too disappointed over the job his ministry has done, and then adds He also blamed the previous government. Now, he has been one and a half years as Minister of Justice. Voters threw the coalition and appointed him to clean up this and make the security better, not to blame predecessors.


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