Wednesday, April 1, 2015

No to nikabforbud at Oslo University College – NRK

– A ban on full-face garment would have been incompatible with the principle of equal rights to education, the Rector Kari Toverud Jensen determined, after the matter has been circulated on College Oslo and Akershus (HiOA), writes Khronos.

Thus separates HiOA layer of Østfold University College and Telemark which both have a total prohibition, Østfold autumn 2015. At Buskerud College Vestfold Studieavdelingen proposed to introduce nikab -forbud on all studies and in all school settings, but it is not finally adopted.

On HiOA it will be up to the individual faculty if it should be required to clothing on the individual education.

In the new guidelines, it is not a ban on face-covering garments in open lectures where there is little communication between student and lecturer. In other educational situations, where there are demands for communication between students or between students and lecturer, however, it may be prohibited. It also applies in group work.

According to the guidelines can also be introduced prohibition nikab in a variety of other situations, such as in practice, where there is the training site rules about clothing applies.

01.04.2015, at. 24:12


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