Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Highway 7 over Hardangervidda is closed –

(Dagbladet): Highway 7 over Hardangervidda is closed.

Road traffic Centre was notified at 15.29 that there has been a chain collision on the mountain.

– A car screeched to a stop and the cars behind then drove into each other. Overall we are talking about eight cars, says traffic operator Morten Hansen at Road Traffic Central region west Dagbladet.

– You looked then have to close off the road to get the rock away the cars, he adds to.

Hope road opens

Road traffic panel has not received notification that someone is injured in connection with massekrasjen.

The accident happened on the western side of the mountain, according to Hansen – in Buskerud page.

– We know not yet when the road opens again, but hope it will happen in the not too long, he said.

– Will the open during the day?

– Yes, we hope.

Quiet in eastern

According traffic operator Ole Fredrik Haugen at Road traffic panel’s Eastern Region, there is no Easter traffic to speak of in eastern today

– It is completely silent on the roads, says Haugen.

In the western region, however, there is not, says Hansen.

– From Bergen there is an incredible amount of traffic now, especially against Voss and on road 7 towards Kvamskogen. It goes slowly forward, but it goes in any case forward, he said.


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