Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Seksbarnsfar charged with premeditated murder –

41-year-old, who has confessed that he killed his wife on Follese Askøy in early February, is now charged with premeditated murder.

– The charges are changed from manslaughter to premeditated murder under especially aggravating circumstances, says police lawyer Eli Valheim in Hordaland Police to BergensAvisen.

Police believe the murder is planned based on statements from the accused.

– In addition, we rely on explanations from deceased mother, together with other information we have in the case, said police prosecutor.

The 41-year-old man sought on 4 February this year Bergen prison and told the staff there that he had killed his wife in their house on Follesø Askøy. Police found the 39-year-old woman died in the house. The couple, who are Norwegian citizens of Somali origin, have six children together. Children, aged one to 18 years, is taken into public care and relatives.

Police have long been without motive for killing woman, but Valheim not want to say anything about what the investigation has revealed.

– I will not go into now, since there are more people to be heard, she says

The accused has several interrogation confessed that he killed his wife. 41-year-old lawyer, Egil Jordan, says he has not taken a position on the expansion of the indictment.



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