Thursday, February 12, 2015

- Siv Jensen has today been snap that she lubricates huge tax cuts to the wealthiest … –

- Siv Jensen has today been snap that she lubricates huge tax cuts to the wealthiest … –

(Dagbladet): In his annual address pale tonight said Governor Øystein Olsen on Thursday that “the era of the escalation of the use of oil revenues may be behind us.”

– The main message of his was that we must adapt, and that we need more leg to stand on. It is the government well underway by facilitating tax burden and increase investments in, among other research and economics, said Finance Minister Siv Jensen told Dagbladet.

She also emphasizes that the Governor in his speech said that we should continue to phase money into the economy.

– But he has a long-term perspective, and underlines the uncertainty in the stock market and investing in bonds, says Jensen.

– Will be demanding

Governor Øystein Olsen struck in his speech stated that the Norwegian economy must adapt to a clearly lower demand from the oil sector, and spoke out against increasing the use of oil revenues from the current level. Prime Minister Erna Solberg says that we are facing a serious restructuring, and told NTB that “we can not buy us out of there with oil spending.”

– We go from a unique position to change, and it’s going to be demanding. Government shall annually adjust oil spending on the economic situation, says Solberg Dagbladet.

Treasury spokesman for SV, Snorre Valen, believes that the Governor’s annual address “in reality canceling government tax cuts.”

– Siv Jensen has today been snap that she lubricates huge tax cuts to the richest with oil money. On the contrary, Norway must get started with restructuring of a fossil, future-oriented economy, says Valentine Dagbladet.

He says SV suggested reduced oil spending in their alternative budget and believes speech shows that several parties should do the same.

– In restructuring we are facing must money be used on jobs and welfare, not price increases in the housing market. Today increases debt to Norwegian families. We need a property taxation which dampen the housing market. It will provide greater security for people’s loans and jobs. In addition, more capital will be invested in business than to be pickled down in the housing market.

Calls for more interest rate situation

NHO chief Kristin Skogen Lund describes the speech as “clear.”

– The speech pointed restructuring needs of the Norwegian economy, and I was not disagree some of what he said, says Skogen Lund Dagbladet.

Property Baron Olav Thon says to Dagbladet that he thinks the speech was thorough and clear, but called for the governor had come closer into clean situation in Norway. He is particularly concerned by the change in interest in Sweden, where the central bank for the first time today lowered its key rate below zero, in an effort to get up inflation.

– I had hoped he would get into the clean situation. This with that oil revenues to sink is well evident, really, he says.

Former Minister Karl Eirik Schjøtt-Pedersen says the speech until haver three important points.

– One was everything what oil has meant and means for Norwegian industry. The second was that he very clearly describes the challenges we face, and warns against writing too much oil money, says Schjøtt-Pedersen told Dagbladet.

On questions about what he thinks about government policy, he said.

– I will not comment, but I notice that he describes the importance of not using too much oil money, he says.

Missed climate change

Labour leader Jonas Gahr Støre believes the Governor held an interesting annual address, but believes climate well be mentioned.

– I think it would be interesting if he the need for restructuring also had mentioned climate. It provides an additional pressure for restructuring in Norwegian industry. It belongs, says Minister to TV 2

He describes the Governor’s speech is interesting, and a very well-informed posts about Norwegian economy and outlook.

– I do not think he was very pointed one way or the other. He warns against easy use of more money and I consider that a warning to the government that it must carefully consider, says Støre.

– The main message of his analysis is that the oil age is not the end, but the increase in income may be over. I think this is a very important analysis, he said.


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