Monday, February 16, 2015

- Monika case would probably have been investigated as murder in Oslo – Aftenposten

- Monika case would probably have been investigated as murder in Oslo – Aftenposten

– In Oslo has built up a special unit for murder cases that probably would lap up the case as a murder case from the start. When you hear how top management has intervened in the case in Bergen, it is completely incomprehensible, and you almost do not believe it’s true, says Abrahamsen TV 2.

The former leader of the violent section of Oslo now works as private investigator. He believes it is totally incomprehensible that police management in Bergen have not been open for critical input from an experienced investigator.

– Investigation Management based in police education must not be parked because it sits lawyers from the University and advocate knowledge – it had never been accepted in Oslo, but it has thus in delusion happened in Bergen, says Abrahamsen to the channel.

– Removal of documents

Police in Hordaland has met strong criticism for not give policeman and Notifier Robin Schaefer ear when he tried to get management to resume the investigation of the eight year old Monika Sviglinskajas death in 2011. Police said her eight year old probably had taken his own life, and dismissed the case.

In a book that came out Friday, is Schaefer very critical of how the case was handled. He writes about a possible active removal of his critical documents in the case, newspaper VG.

The newspaper has been informed, regardless of the book, that the documents were removed by order of a leader at the police headquarters in Bergen. Police have not wanted to comment on the information to VG since the investigation by Norwegian Bureau for the Investigation of Police Affairs.

Confidence Crisis

Hordaland SV adopted Sunday a unanimous statement that the party did not have confidence in police management, newspaper Bergens Tidende . Party believes now that the Police Directorate must take control.

Previously editor Ole Martin Mortvedt police own magazine, Police Forum, written a manager where he demands that the entire management of the police in Bergen must go.

Progress Party justice policy spokesman Jan Arild Ellingsen called last week police chief Geir Gudmundsen handling Monika case “a disgrace” and said Aftenposten that Gudmundsen should resign.

Report this week

Saturday enlightened Gudmundsen that he will step down temporarily until the investigation of the police handling of the case is over.

The police chief has asked to be summoned to the Police Directorate.

Gudmundsen lamented last week also faced policeman and Notifier Robin Schaefer.

Norwegian Bureau for the Investigation of Police Affairs should consider whether it is made a punishable offense in the case of the police and report from there is expected this week.

Published: 16.feb. 2015 5:57


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