Thursday, January 1, 2015

- In recent weeks, Eriksson delivered some of the gravest attacks on Norwegian … –

- In recent weeks, Eriksson delivered some of the gravest attacks on Norwegian … –

Minister of Labour Robert Eriksson (FRP) knew that criticism would echo in Youngsroget who presented the amendments to the Working Environment Act. Nevertheless, he believes LO overreacting.

– Welcome to another hatch that opens in Eriksson’s Advent calendar for a better workplace, said the minister, who presented part two of the reform proposal on 12 December.

New rules for Sunday work and increased opportunity for overtime work hiding behind hatch. So did the demise of the unions’ right to sue for suspected illegal contract labor.

The week before he opened the first door. Behind it lay increased access to temporary employment and activity obligation for social assistance.

Getting slaughter

It is needless to say that the advent calendar was poorly received by the trade union movement.

– In recent weeks, Eriksson delivered some of the gravest attacks on Norwegian workers for decades, says LO deputy Hans-Christian Gabrielsen said.

Director Anders Folkestad country’s second largest labor organization Unio draws on time Lecturer in Norwegian schools and gives the minister the following credentials:

– Eriksson rescues to passing grades 2 through rhetoric and enthusiasm and because he is a nice guy. He dumps on academic content, so this has the characteristics of educational grading to a minister in his first year.

On New Year goes LO, Unio and YS political strike against the government.


– No one should be surprised that we implement what we stood for election on. I think LO overreact, says Eriksson said.

– It is ahistorical to say that five more hours of overtime in a month brings us back to løsarbeidersamfunnet, he adds.

handles are necessary to equip Norway for the future, maintains the Minister.

– It is also important to do something for all those who are unemployed. I do this to ensure a safe, flexible and family friendly working.

– Honest

Work Minister states that he comes from a working home, says he has full respect for LO and emphasizes that it is prudent to organize.

– Meanwhile, I learned from my father that it is allowed to disagree as long as you act honestly. I mean that I have made in meeting with trade unions.

Eriksson is open about his procedure is different from the coalition predecessors chose. Where many before witnessed LO had priority, is FRP minister concerned to treat all organizations alike.

– I called in the leaders of the different organization – one by one – when I became minister. I told them what I intended to do. Also LO leader Gerd Kristiansen, I had a meeting with. We went even tour along together, he said.

Other agenda

Eriksson suggests that dissatisfaction from LO due to factors other than concerns on behalf of the nation’s workers.

– I expected resistance and controversy. But when it is said, LO always been open about the organization wants the coalition back, he said.

Eriksson is prepared for new kind of spring. A number of welfare benefits shall under scrutiny. The scheme of work clarification money are among those he wants to change that.

– Too many end up with disability. Maybe we should look at a better grading or evaluating input conditions and the length of the benefit period, he said.

This spring, there is also a proposal to reform the transitional benefits to single parents.

– The will undoubtedly create reactions, but for me it is important to ensure that single parents faster than today get to experience the freedom that is to be self-sufficient from their own income, he said.



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