Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Bhatti accused of domestic violence – NRK

Bhatti accused of domestic violence – NRK

The controversial extremist was arrested at the airport on January 14 when he returned from Pakistan.

Bhatti was already in 2012 accused of violence against close family members.

Now it indicted him for domestic violence, confirms both defends John Christian Elden and police VG.

John Christian Elden is Arfan Bhatti defender.

Photo: Runa Victoria Engen / NRK

– There is indicted for assault, and that he should have resisted arrest during an arrest in 2012, says John Christian Elden VG.

The defender says that the indictment is less comprehensive than the original accusation against Bhatti.

Several points should be waived by the police.

Also prosecutor Trine Dyngeland confirmed to VG that the indictment is preached Bhatti.

Indicted already in 2012

Arfan Bhatti was screened for domestic violence of the Oslo police in April 2012.

It was on the basis of this indictment that Oslo police would interrogate and remanding in custody him now in 2015.

Shortly after his arrest at the airport on January 14 completed Bhatti questioning.

But the police did not succeed in either court or the Court of Appeal to hold Bhatti in custody.

Thus, he was released on 16 January.

Defender Elden says that Bhatti refuses culpability for the points he is now charged.

– He will explain himself further about the charges in court when the time comes, writes defender VG.

Was away in Pakistan

Arfan Bhatti traveled to Pakistan in late 2012 and was reported missed by family in January 2013.

In the autumn after he was arrested and jailed in Pakistan but was set free again in August last year. In September he urged his followers on Facebook to holy war, type NTB.

“Now it’s up to each one of the Muslims to choose what to do for the rest of their lives. They must take off the secular glasses and see the world through the eyes of Sharia, the Islamic Law. Jihad, holy war is a duty, in the same way as prayer, fasting and other acts required individual, “he wrote.

On the same platform has Bhatti also warned Norway to participate in actions against the terrorist group Islamic state.

01.28.2015, at. 14.16

28.01.2015, at. 14.24


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