Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Control Committee will to the bottom of the details – Aftenposten

Control Committee will to the bottom of the details – Aftenposten

Justice Minister Anders Anundsen (FRP) is pinched after it became known that the police have not followed up the new instructions were given about the return of asylum children . Many were sent out last year, despite the fact that there had been political settlement between the government parties and the two supporting parties in Parliament on the matter.

– This is a situation which is very unfortunate, and I can not but to grumble. Such errors should not occur, said Anundsen in Parliament in December. The explanation was that the Police Directorate had not communicated the changes out to the police districts.

But parliamentary majority does not give up with this. SCSCA started this week review of detailed material that was sent from the Ministry of Justice before Christmas.

– Anundsen lay flat. Is not that enough for you?

– No. It is given different explanations from different police agencies so we must go deeper. It is precisely the Parliamentary task to check whether ministers speak the truth or not, says Committee Chair Martin Kolberg. Committee will likely conclude next Tuesday about Anundsen summoned for consultation.

No one believes in something confidence motion against Anundsen but a criticism could possibly result in a so-called “daddelvedtak”, which is a critical reaction without the government must go. Anundsen is responsible for all what his agencies are doing.

Christian Democrat Hans Fredrik Grøvan the committee says that as long as there are different opinions about what happened, emerging issue as unresolved.

– We must walk it in detail, he said.

When Justice Minister Anders Anundsen (FRP) regretted from the Parliamentary rostrum 4 December, he spoke of disposal leaflet that was sent from the Police Directorate (POD) to subordinate agencies 19. February last year.

There, police orders to prioritize the sending of asylum children who have been long in Norway. The formulation was contrary to the agreement between the government parties and cooperation parties.

Now it turns out that the same mistake was repeated in a follow-up letter three weeks later, newspaper Bergens Tidende.

This was first discovered when the Ministry of Justice worked with the answer that the Minister of Justice sent Standing Committee on Scrutiny and Constitutional Affairs just before Christmas, but without the information was shared with the committee.

– This makes the case twice as severe, said committee member Jette F. Christensen (Ap) .

Per Olaf Lundteigen (Sp) says it is “quite strongly to experience” – while Bård Vegar Solhjell (SV) believes that the repeated mistake proves that practice was never changed.

Read more:

The original regret

Agreed solution for asylum children

Opens to retrieve asylum children back

Published: 06.jan. 2015 10:50 p.m.


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