(Dagbladet): When she woke up she was dry in the mouth. His throat felt sore.
Then she discovers a needle stuck in his arm her, before the man who has kidnapped her, starts to talk.
type of the Swedish woman about when she the 12. september 2015 was trapped in a soundproof høysikkerhetsrom with 32 centimeters thick betongdører.
Attack kidnapperen with nail
on Friday, she visited skavlan talkshow. Where told “Isabell Eriksson”, which is the pseudonym she goes under, more about the kidnapping and the time she was captive on a remote farm in the north-eastern Skåne.
- First I tried to attack him and escape. I attack him with two nails, but I was still so drugged that it was not a good attempt, ” says “anders Eriksson” about the minutes after she woke up.
Kidnapperen her, a 38-year-old physician residing on a farm in Kristianstad, told that he planned to keep her there for two years. The two had met the night before.
This in connection with that “Eriksson” then worked as a prostitute. He claimed that he was an american and worked in London.
Sedated her with strawberries
He seemed calm and gave the impression of being intelligent, according to the “Eriksson”.
She added that the man had with him the strawberries with sjokoladetrekk as he fed her with.
These contained bedøvelsesmiddelet flunitrazepam, and after that she fell asleep, drove kidnapperen her out of Stockholm and into his farm.
Where he had built the bunker as “Isabell Eriksson” was held captive in.
To the skavlan talkshow told the “Eriksson” that kidnapperen boasted about how it was impossible to escape from the prison her.
In addition to betongdørene, was the room she found herself in the daleks. The doors had both the regular lock and lock.
He was the only one who knew tallrekkefølgen.
- I realized that I had to play my cards right, and get him to not look at me as a threat, ” says “anders Eriksson” in the interview with Fredrik skavlan talkshow.
Asked to be shot
On the talk show she told also about when the man gave her a gun and told her to shoot him.
- He gives me the gun, the doors are open. I realize that I don’t manage to be able to shoot another human being, ” says the woman, and describes the 38-year-old Swedish doctor who was depressed.
the Gun had no ammunition, and in retrospect is the “Eriksson” glad that she is not the pressure on the trigger.
Talk to the police yourself
When another case came the man into the room with a mask. “Isabell Eriksson,” thought at first that it was a different person, but the hope was crushed when she found out that it was kidnapperen.
the Captivity ended when he took “Isabell Eriksson,” on the police station in the Norrmalm the 18. september 2015.
the Plan to the now 39-year-old man was that the woman should tell the Stockholm police that she had not been kidnapped.
When Eriksson was interviewed on their own by the investigators, it was however evident that she had been brought to the farm against his will.
Mentally ill
39-year-old, of multiple media has been referred to as ‘Swedish Fritzl’ was in February last year sentenced to ten years in prison.
the Punishment has, however, been reduced reduced to eight years.
This, according to Expressen, after the Svea court emphasized that the man is suffering from a mental illness.
Both I and my client, who I just talked with, are happy that neither the district court has sentenced my client for the alleged rape, said the dømtes lawyer, Mari Schaub, in the aftermath of the verdict.
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