(Dagbladet): the Case of bioingeniøren Mahad Abib Mahamud (30), which has been deprived of citizenship after 17 years in Norway, has attracted attention since the TV2 first described it Friday.
legal scholars, the blogger, Sophie Elise, and a variety of kommentatorskribenter has been in the throats of UDI and the immigration and integreringsminister Sylvi Listhaug (progress party) after the case was known.
Meet in court
Mahad-case was also a bit of the background to the proposal to deprive the UDI the right to take the citizenship from the people, as it is probably now set to be majority in Parliament.
the Matter which now creates debate, however, is more complicated than it as of now is to come up.
the Newspaper has reviewed close to 500 pages of papers that lists all of the documentation both Mahad and the Norwegian authorities have in the case, which will be up in court in February.
the Norwegian authorities believe they have extensive evidence that bioingeniøren at Ullevål hospital deliberately, over several years, has lied about that he is from Somalia.
- No concrete evidence
They took last spring from him citizenship, because the UDI and the UNE believes he really is from the neighbouring Djibouti.
Mahad believe they lack concrete evidence and that he has tangible evidence to the contrary.
He namely brought in the documentation from the somalske authorities, who endorse his history.
Djiboutiske authorities have also issued a statement where it says that Mahamud are not a citizen of the country.
Still does not beat the Norwegian authorities themselves to rest.
Among other things, they respond on foreign currency transactions of a person in Djibouti, and the fact that the 30-year-old knows a lot more people in the French-speaking country than in both Somalia and Ethiopia, where he alleges that he has lived from the time he was five years old and he came to Norway as a 14-year-old.
They also question his good franskkunnskaper, which qualified for a six on the Norwegian high school only a year and a half after the alleged analfabeten came to Norway.
- I am intelligent, learn quickly and can many languages, explains Mahad, which seems the Norwegian authorities should look at it as a resource instead of using it against him.
the President
the UDI also respond to his somali dialect, which they believe does not match with landbakgrunnen he says he has.
In the several articles on the somali “online newspapers”, referred to 30-year-old as a member of a different clan than the one he has stated to the immigration authorities. Some also writes that he is from Djibouti. Mahad pulls the credibility of the web pages in the doubt and believe it is written by political opponents who want to weaken him.
He should be a well-known opposition politician as well as in Somaliland and has previously been a president in it called the Saylac and Lughaya State of Somalia, which is a self-proclaimed region within the region, towards the border with Djibouti.
It is interesting that the Norwegian government recognizes the so-called somali online newspapers as reliable sources, and denies the public documents from the somali attorney general, ” he says.
He points out that Somalia is a war-torn country with great tension between the different clans and question the level of knowledge and sources of IMMIGRATION.
Among other things, it was an anonymous tip Mahad suspect is sent from a political opponent that led the police started investigation of his case.
the 30-year-old fnyser of the arguments to the UNE – and believe to have good explanations on the UNE, UDI and the police are questioning.
The utypiske somali dialekta his due to the fact that he had to flee from the country to Ethiopia only five years old, ” says Mahad.
the money transfers, he explains that he is part owner in a transportation company in Djibouti and that the remittances to family members in Ethiopia go faster if he first transferring them to a partner in their company.
Every Norwegian citizen has the right to invest anywhere in the world as long as you follow the existing Norwegian regulations, for the, argue.
UNE, however, have a trump card up his sleeve. They have in fact brushed the dust off the diploma 30-åringens own parents came with for over ten years ago.
After that Mahamud came alone to Norway in 2000, sought namely his father and several other family members family reunification with his son in Norway.
Claim the father was confused
In that regard, they were interviewed by the UDI. In the Interview, says Mahamuds father even to the UDI that his son is from Djibouti.
the Interview, sores also uncertainty about whether the Mahad are actually called what he has stated to the Norwegian authorities. The father he calls, namely a different name in the interview.
Mahad goes a long way to suggest that the interview with his father is fabricated by the Norwegian authorities.
For me, it is surprising that the interview of the father appeared now, and I miss the signature of the father from the interview. I ask questions about the reality of this, ” says Mahad.
He also believes that his late father struggled with the after effects of a stroke, when the interview was done, and that the testimony is therefore not reliable.
Low notoriety
the Father’s testimony is still one of the reasons that the UNE did not dare to rely on the papers from the Djibouti – based in search on the name Mahad Abdi Mahamud.
Regardless of not saying the papers from Djibouti anything about whether or not he has been a citizen of the country before he became a Norwegian citizen – just that he is not there now, ” UNE.
When it comes to the paper from the somali authorities have somali papers generally low credibility – and birth certificates similar to the Mahad has collected from somalske authorities have previously been shown to be false, according to the UNE-the decision that made Mahad stateless in the last spring.
In a response to the stevninga type UNE that confidence weakened further by the fact that the name of the Mahads parents are written in the somali way, while the parents even claimed to have written it with French navnetranskripsjon in a letter to UNE.
Mahad thinks it may be due to something as simple as interpreters or aides have signed on behalf of parent.
- forward
He shakes his head over that bekreftelsene his from the somali authorities not being believed.
- the Norwegian authorities rely obviously on a returavtale with the somali government, but not trust the same people when they say something that goes good for me, ” he says.
- Really is the burden of proof on the Norwegian authorities and not me, ” he says.
Now he’s looking forward to meeting the UNE in the right.
Where he must probably among other things, also explain a facebook account, the Norwegian authorities have found.
the Account had both the phone number to Mahads mother and images of Mahad.
the Man’s last name on Facebook was the same as the surname of the Mahads mother. The Norwegian authorities suspected that the profile was Mahads.
the 30-year-old has, however, kontret argument by to collect a statement from the person who supposedly should stand behind the account, a friend of mine of Mahad resident in Ethiopia.
“After while he become my soul mate in political view, then In decided to use his picture in my face book profile”, explains the man in the letter.
I have been honest all the way, but is not believed. Now I’m looking forward to the trial, but it has required effort. If I had tidd quiet the entire time they had probably just thrown me out a long time ago, ” says Mahamud.
I do not require anything other than to get back to my deprived of their Norwegian citizenship. It is painful and difficult to accept that I live as stateless in my own Norway, ” says Mahad.
In the two years Norwegian authorities have tried to get djiboutiske authorities to dispel or confirm identiten to Mahad and several other somalis in the Uk who they suspect have lied on their identity.
But djiboutiske government does not respond – something the UNE and the police believe due to the fact that some of the people have close ties to officials in the country.
Mahad Mahamud lives and works in Norway still, and has not traveled out of the country to utreisefristen he was then the Norwegian authorities took the citizenship of his last year.
Now he shall live without rights a citizenship entail, in anticipation of the trial.
If he is deported, he gets nothing back by either tax dollars or pensjonspoeng from his professional career.
He has put a lot of work to clear themselves in the matter to get his life back – even if he thinks the burden of proof really lies with the Norwegian authorities and not with him.
- There is a hell. I can’t even go on harrytur to Sweden. I feel imprisoned in my own country, ” he says.
He gets his clarification in the district court at the end of February, and are set to fight on until the european court of human rights if he doesn’t like the answer from the Norwegian law.
He is one of more than 135 people who have been deprived of citizenship since 2012 and one of 65 people last year.
“It is not fair in a democratic country such as Norway that the UDI will decide and judge,” says the 30-year-old.
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