Monday, January 9, 2017

The nomination committee vraker former Oslo mayor Fabian Stang from secure … – Aftenposten

But it’s not certain that the story ends there: – Basically mine was worse when I went to get ordførerkandidat. When I had no support in the nomination committee, ” says Fabian Rod (61).

So here is the rematch on the nominasjonsmøtet 13. February where the list shall be finally approved?

I don’t know. To set do I need a kick in the ass in the form of complaints from people that they want me on the thing, ” says Rod.


– How is it possible for a party to choose its largest velgermagnet, you got by far the most personal votes during the municipal elections, twice as many as Raymond Johansen?

I do not know. But it is not most people’s in that nominasjonsmøter in the Right, and now have the meeting virtually, ” says Rod which ensures that he is not bitter.

Rod, including eight years of experience as the mayor of Oslo, want to play on a larger political arena. The secretary of state to Sylvi Listhaug has the desire to be a member of parliament:

As the mayor of Oslo I have had the pleasure of playing in a central position, in the 1. division. But Parliament is, after all, the top division, and it is tempting to try, said Rod to the VG in the fall.

I have the desire, but for me personally it is not so important. I have and have had exciting and fun jobs for many years, but I want to contribute to that we retain governmental power.

- One place too low

you can do That at 8. space?

– No, there is enough in one place for a low to that you can talk about kampplass, mean Rod.

That was where the party’s nomination committee would have him, but it’s not always the last word is said.

– It is not unnatural about the controversy that came forward in the nomination committee also appears on the nominasjonsmøtet where the list shall finally be approved, ” says Conservative group leader in the city council, Eirik Lae Solberg. He belonged to the minority in the nomination committee as desired Rod at 6. space.

- Many good candidates

the Majority chose to put the emphasis on the work of Stefan Heggelund has done in Parliament and on the settings from the bydelspartiene. The minority pointed to the Stangs support among both the Right members and in Oslo as a whole, ” says Lae Solberg, who adds that he is glad that the party has so many good candidates to choose from.

In the nomination committee, there was also dissent about 4.-space. The majority chose Heidi Nordby Lunde, while Kristin Vinje was placed on the 7.

Nominasjonskomiteens setting to the top ten on the Oslo Conservative stortingsvalgliste:

1. Ine Marie Eriksen Søreide

2. Nikolai Astrup

3. Michael Tetzschner

4. Heidi Nordby Lunde, a minority want Kristin Vinje.

5. Mudassar Kapur

6. Stefan Heggelund, a minority want Fabian Stang.

7. Kristin Vinje

8. Fabian Stang

9. Mathilde Tybring-gjedde

10. Astrid Nøklebye Heiberg

Fabian Rod slid down on nominasjonsliste in their own district Fabian Stang will enter in Parliament


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