Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The attorney general argues Behring Breivik used Fjordland, Paradise Hotel and … – Aftenposten

With the terrorist in a dark suit and beard ristende repetitive and pointedly on the head a few metres away, put the regjeringsadvokat Fredrik Sejersted into a verbal frontal attack on the Behring Breivik in the first hours of the appeal in Skien on Tuesday.

Behring Breivik was described as one who manipulates fact and have “sannhetsforskyvninger”.

What he writes and says, both in general and here in court, must be viewed in the light of his ideological project, ” said Sejersted to the three judges in the court.

Regjeringsdvokaten believes the 37-year-old uses the entire judicial process to play a game and consciously represent themselves differently in public than he otherwise is.

– Used the particular word to acquire oppmekrsomhet

He then showed several examples of what the terrorist had said in conversations with fengselsbetjenter in Skien in the year.

According to Sejersted shall Behring Breivik in the talks have laid out about its media strategy, and said that he outwardly would appear in a way that benefits his case.

To fengselsbetjentene shall Behring Breivik have explained that he used the words “Fjordland, Paradise Hotel and cold coffee” to attract attention so that people would read more about “his case” and find up to what he really meant, according to Sejersted.

He should also have said that the most important thing for him is to win the case, but to portray himself as a good and confident leader.

He did not want to be portrayed as the victim and said that he did nazihilsen to create an image that will be remembered for many years, said the office of the attorney general in his innledningsforedrag, while Behring Breivik noted along the way, and shook recurring on the head.

Would comment bevisverdien of his explanations

After rettsdagen said Sejersted that he believes it is helpful for the court to read up Behring Breivik’s own understanding of how he behaves in court.

the Conversations were read to comment on the credibility of his explanations and texts, according to Sejersted. Behring Breivik to even explain himself on Thursday.

– There are many texts of Behring Breivik as is presented in the case and which will be read out. It’s going to be an explanation from him. I meant to attach some short comments to the bevisverdien of his texts and explanations, ” says Sejersted to Aftenposten.

– do you Want to break down his credibility?

– No, I will not say anything big goals for us. Our goal is to show that they soningsforholdene he zones during not violation of human rights. It is only to the extent he argues in his explanation that it is inhumane treatment, that we have a comment to the credibility of it, ” says Sejersted.

Behring Breivik’s lawyer, counsel Øystein Storrvik, commented on the reading from the conversations with fengselsbetjentene as follows:

– It is a tremendous material with an infinite number of quotes. It is pointless to reproduce one of them. I relate myself to our dialogue.

– do you Mean the quotes are taken out of context?

– There is an endless amount of quotes given there and then in his everyday situation. There is no reason to take any further analysis of it, says Storrvik.

Did nazihilsen and got tilsnakk of the judge

Behring Breivik was escorted by several fengselsbetjenter in the Borgarting court of appeal in the gymnasium in the Telemark prison in Skien on Tuesday, a little over half past one.

the Appeal which started on Tuesday, concerns the question of whether the terrorist has been and is subjected to human rights violations in connection with his sentence of their punishment.

last year, the Oslo district court, the 37-year-old obtained the soningsforholdene violates human rights.

He greeted his lawyers Øystein Storrvik and Mona Danielsen before he stood up and did a demonstrativ right-wing greeting to those around 40 photographers and journalists who follow ankebehandlingen.

Then shook hands with him on the Regjeringsadvokat Fredrik Sejersted, who is leading the case for the state.

When the court was set addressed lagdommer Øystein Hermansen to Behring Breivik. The judge asked the terrorist do not make such a greeting again and called it “offensive to the court”.

When Behring Breivik wanted to comment on the referee’s comment, he was stopped. The judge would not have any comments.

Believes Breivik’s soningsregime are distinctly human

the State believes soningsforholdene is far away from any human rights violations. Neither in the usual sense or in the legal sense.

He zones in many ways under better conditions than other prisoners to compensate for that he not have contact with fellow prisoners. It is very far from menneskerettsbrudd, said regjeringsadvokat Fredrik Sejersted in court, while Behring Breivik quoted and shook pointedly on the head.

Sejersted called Behring Breivik’s soningsregime “distinctly human”.

the Penalty to be felt. The penalty should be a punishment. There is nothing wrong in that Anders Behring Breivik to feel the punishment as an evil, or is dissatisfied with the punishment. It is the way it should be, pointed out Sejersted.

– He is still a right-wing it

the State will appeal and spend more time to clarify the systematic these risk assessments they believe are made in his atonement.

– It is difficult to know for sure how dangerous Behring Breivik is today, tomorrow, in a year or ten years, ” said Sejersted in his introduction.

What made him extra dangerous, was his ability to long-term and structured planning. He is still a right-wing it, ” said Sejersted to the court and added that the state considers Behring Breivik is the same person now as when he carried out the terrorist attacks 22. July 2011.

the Attorney general continues his innledningsforedrag Wednesday. When will Behring Breivik’s soningsforhold be central. It is set by the six days to the matter in Skien.


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