Frank Females on the Downstairs confirm with BA that they utlover 10.000 nok for the tip that leads to the police to find the one that triggered the CS-gas.
– What happened is serious. Now, this went well because the bouncers and the police did a good job, but with fully local, it can easily create panic in such a situation, says Females to BA.
The 200 square meters large kjellerlokalet in Vestre Torggate was almost full when the gas was fired. 150 guests had to evacuate.
Females was even on the job the night of Sunday, and says that some of the guests were afraid because it was difficult to breathe.
loss of profits
It was around the clock 02 that the gas was discovered. The music and the delivery was stopped, and all the emergency exits opened to vent out.
– It was a really boring time to get it on. We get a loss of profits also when such things happen, ” he says.
Females believe anyone in the vicinity of the dance floor have been left behind. He also believes that someone has seen it or those who sparked the gas, and hope that the bounty will motivate to take contact with the police.
– I think it was triggered on the dance floor, it was where it was strongest, says Females.
the Police is investigating the case
No people were injured by the gas. The police have created a so-called undersøkelsessak after the event.
– But it is clear that without the tip, it is difficult to find out who was behind, says operasjonsleder Hans-Eirik Thue in the West police district to BA.
CS gas, also known as tear gas, provides powerful irritation of the eyes, nose, mouth, throat and skin. The effect occurs immediately, but most symptoms disappear within 30 minutes after exposure.
strong exposure, for example, in a closed room for a long time,, the gas can cause serious hornhinneskade and lung damage.
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