30-year-old Mahad Mahamud is now the court’s way to get back the citizenship. It was TV2 that agreed the matter first.
Mahad claim that he is from Somalia, but UDI believes that a variety of evidence linking him to Djibouti, and that he lied about where he came from when he came to Norway.
As a result of that he has lost the citizenship of his, he becomes stateless, and therefore lose your right to work in Norway. Mahamud now have four days left in his regular job as bioingeniør at Ullevål hospital.
I now have four days left. It is heavy to swallow it, ” says Mahamud to NRK.
– Need to look at how the invalidity of frames
the Issue has created great debate. Law professor Hans Petter Graver, says to NRK that it is not enough to deny someone citizenship just on the basis of lies.
– You need to look at how an invalidity will affect for those who are touched by it, one must look at the strength of the public interests and the time that has passed, the circumstances around the original decisions, and so on. There is a broad overall assessment, ” says Graves, to NRK.
In Dagsnytt 18 says jusprofessoren that he believes the starting point for the current practice are incorrect.
– If a decision shall be declared null and void assumes a broad assessment where many factors must be taken into consideration, ” he says.
– have consequences if you are lying
Immigration and integreringsminister Sylvi Listhaug says to NRK that she will not comment on individual cases, but believes that the current practice is a broad assessment due before some are deprived of citizenship.
On a general basis, ” says the minister, that it shall not be a good idea to be able to cheat themselves to a citizenship in Norway.
– It provides an important signal to those who come to the country now, in the sense that they are aware that if they are lying to the Norwegian authorities in the day, it may have consequences for them later, says Listhaug.
Listhaug says that she thinks it is incredibly important to signal that the Norwegian authorities take the cheating and deception seriously.
– It will not pay to fool the Norwegian government. Then we need to follow up these cases, and we will continue, ” says Sylvi Listhaug.
– Will transmit the decision to the courts
the Law is the basis for the current implementation was unanimously adopted by Parliament in 2005.
the centre party, the Left, the Labour party and the Socialist left party will now submit a proposal for the Parliament to transfer the decision in such matters to the courts.
the Proposal can get a majority with Krfs support, but the party sits currently on the fence.
the party’s Kari Henriksen (Ap) says in Dagsnytt 18 that she believes a transfer to the courts will strengthen the rule of law..
Citizenship is a very important security for individuals. This proposal is all about increasing the rule of law, ” she says.
Sylvi Listhaug was the minister responsible for that Mahad was his decision, and have not had either direct or indirect responsibility in this matter.
She believes that a transfer of responsibility to the courts will mean that cases will take longer.
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