Sunday, January 8, 2017

Jensen: “I recently read the first interrogations of he other. When I was actually … – the Newspaper.en

(Dagbladet): Nearly three years after he was arrested and charged with corruption, the earlier politilederen Eirik Jensen Monday meeting in Oslo district court. A week before he has been in several meetings with the defenders of his at the law firm Fire, in order to make the very final preparations.

- They make their important part. It goes on details. I have not had head to it. The four thousand articles that have been written about the case have done that I haven’t had the energy to look at a paper before now the last time, ” says Jensen to the Newspaper, before a meeting Thursday evening with advokat Arild Holden and Sidsel Katralen, who, along with John Christian Fire constitutes Eirik Jensen’s defense team.

The two have read all the documents in the case. They estimate that it makes up between fifty and sixty binders. They have sought the details and aspects of the issue as may be to the advantage of the Jensen. The interrogations of Cappelen alone constitutes approximately 2500 pages. Six-seven of permene contains documents that are still classified as strictly confidential.

- We have read and analyzed, ” says Katralen.

CLEAR: Eirik Jensen and the defenders Arild Holden and Sidsel Katralen in the law firm the Fire. Photo: Lars Eivind Bones / Dagbladet Show more

Eirik Jensen himself says he long could not stand to go through the documents.

- I started only recently. They read the first interrogations of he other. When I was actually poor. Everything was turned on its head. Everything I have done for him. Used free time to help him detoxification. So I’ve got a kind of kick back, ” says Jensen.

Cappelen recently said to NRK that he has considered Jensen as a close friend for the last 15 years.

- Eric has been a good supporter in private contexts, when I have had difficulties. Family things, and so on, I have discussed with him, ” said Cappelen, and added, “there are no winners in this case anyway, regardless of the outcome”.,

Eirik Jensen says the toughest in the course of the last three years has been all the stuff that has been written about the investigation.

- released details all the time. It’s pretty tough. It has been three years with over 4,000 articles. There is so much that people don’t realize, and people draw erroneous conclusions.

- Need to open the Pandora’s box

the Trial will start on Monday and Tuesday with innledningsforedragene to the attorney general Lars Erik Alfheim and Guro Glærum Kleppe, assistant chief of the Spesialenheten for police matters. In the course of Tuesday to Jensen probably start his explanation. He has warned that he must explain himself about the relationship to the medtiltalte Gjermund Cappelen. A relationship that, according to Jensen, was that Cappelen gave Jensen information from and about the criminal environments.

- What I need to do in the right now, I have never done before. I have to open the Pandora’s box. I struggle very with it, I can not fail to think about the consequences. But this is my life struggle. I have no choice, ” says Jensen.

- It is a kind of nødrettssituasjon, shoot the lawyer Holden.

- Yes, it is a nødrettsbetraktning. It gets tough, ” says Jensen.

But he says it actually to be good to get started with the case, after three years of waiting.

- It is important that They get to get out with what he has, ” says Holden.

the Auditor in court

In addition to defenders will Helge Bettemo, statsautoriserte the auditor, to be present in court in the days that applies to the economic sides of the issue. Spesialenheten believe Jensen has had a overuse of 1.4 million, and believes it reinforces korrupsjonsmistanken. Bettemo and the defenders have gone through the same figures, and concluded that the figures do not provide any evidence for a overuse, among other things, because it is not taken to account for the advance payment on the inheritance and a common economy with Jensen ekssamboer.

Gjermund cappelen in his defense Benedict de Vibe says his client has prepared himself for the trial by going through the many and long explanations he has given

And then he read the other documents that have relevance to the present case. So he has simply read a part and tried to insert themselves in the case and we have been talking a part together, says the Vibe to the Newspaper.

He did not look forward to the meeting with Eirik Jensen, he does not. But he is looking forward to that case will come in time and that it gets completed.


Eirik Jensen is accused of gross corruption and drug offences. He is accused of complicity to the importation of 13,9 tonnes of cannabis resin were in the period 2004 to 2013, related to a total of 49 records. He is also accused of having embraced the values of nok 2.1 million. Gjermund Cappelen is on his side indicted for having paid this money to the Jensen, as well as spruced up the bathroom his.

In the indictment, states that Jensen from 2004 was willing to, in the face of significant remuneration, to support Cappelen in his innførselsvirksomhet, among other things, to notify him about various conditions that could be of importance for the business.

Spesialenheten have secured about 1500 text messages between the Jensen and Cappelen, and in the indictment, it is meted out a series of text messages that Spesialenheten mean among other things, was a notice that Cappelen was in the authorities ‘ spotlight, police work and resource position and that hasjtransporter was stopped. There is talk about including the following messages: “Control here”. “Set”. “Sunshine”. “Setting and sun”. “Feriemodus across the board”. “The office is thinly staffed”. “It is reported knallvær”. “A man in the ditch, to look at the damage on the car”.

the office manager Wenche Fredriksen in tollregion East-Norway says to Dagbladet that this is completely unknown to her.

I’m not familiar with that Jensen should have contacted someone in the Customs office. I have never heard of him before, and none of my colleagues has stated that they have it either, ” says Fredriksen.

Jensen believes the messages were a part of informantkontakten he had with Cappelen, and that they have natural explanations. Bærumsmannen denies this.

Baked in the millionbeløpet Jensen is accused of having received from Cappelen is the value of the renovation of the bathroom at the family farm in Nes municipality, where Jensen lived from 2005 to 2010. In interrogation have Jensen according to VG explained that, among other things, he never paid a bill of 120 000, because he has not got a hold of the actual artisan, a man who died a few years ago. The lawyers his opinion Spesialenhetens calculations are wrong, and that it is not possible to prove something overuse.

Jensen refuses straffskyld.

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