Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Jensen about SMS tags: – “My sister has aborted” means that he is going to get out the Newspaper.en

(Dagbladet): there Were text messages that “quiet here”, “control” and “sunshine” between Eirik Jensen and Gjermund Cappelen messages to hasjsimportøren that the “coast was clear”, and that it would then be possible to smuggle marijuana over the border closest to risk-free? Or was it the codes, related to the Jensen has explained, was cappelen in his role as informant?

These codes there have been a lot of talk about a feature, ” says Eric Jensen in his free explanation in court.

- I’ll explain afterwards, but there may be codes that are very difficult to understand. Those who understand it best, are the people who send them to each other, ” says Jensen.

IN COURT TODAY: Defender John Christian Fire. Photo: Lars Eivind Bones Show more

- It has a purpose. If an informant is sucked up in a corner, will his phone be central. There is a known number which is not that good. Is it a typical politimelding, it’s even worse, ” says Jensen.

He explains that there is a system behind the messages, but that the jargon is similar very on the criminal language. Jensen tells us that the term “blomsterspråk”, to which he also testified about yesterday, is a term criminals use, while the police call it “backstopping”. According to Jensen’s used by undercover agents and people who operate in heavy duty environments.

Jensen about the «GT 007»: - We have a saying in the police: «The best are often the worst»

“Nice weather” is a positive message, the same thing is “silent” and “the sun”, explains Jensen.

In my explanation it may mean that you can approach the person, that you are available, ” says Jensen.

“Vaktmesterkompaniet have people/have people on” is a different message Jensen talking about.

For me it means we can take a phone contact or meet in person. We have no people on, I have not the opportunity to follow up, ” said Jensen.

- If an informant is in the process of approaching an ongoing politisak is kodeordet: “abortions”. “My sister has aborted” means that he should get out, ” says Jensen.

He explains that the date and time in the messages is indicated by the number plus zero, and one zero to be removed in order to decrypt the messages. 90100 for example, the date of 9/10. 180300 is time 18.30.

I Get a message from the source: “It comes artisans to me”, it means the person is sought out by people who have interests. We don’t always have info on who it is. “Have to work late tonight” can mean that he must hit a person, ” said Jensen.

- There is a lot of chance, but these simple messages is a starting point. When you use them over time, they get a different form. Talking one to one to each other. They are a little bit suspicious. I am fully aware of it, but it’s the way the communication among the criminals operated, said Jensen.

- All the information the police receive generate not an immediate reaction. It is put together with another kryssinfomrasjon. You should always try to avoid standing on one leg. What others have talked with Cappelen about and what others have had on him, I have not had the control.

SEEMED TRUSTWORTHY: Dagbladet commentator Martine Aurdal about Eirik Jensen’s explanation in the Oslo district Court. Video: Lars EIvind Bones / Dagbladet Show more Show more

I have not had the interest to obtain information about his relationship and seem just to not get in a situation where I am being accused of having given the information.

Jensen explains to the court how the police takes care of and treats the informants, for his opinion:

I have been concerned by the fact that they are people. They are not use and throw. I may have stretched the cords a little far when it came to safeguard the Back, ” says Jensen.

Furthermore, if informantvirksomhet he said:

– This is a game: To build confidence at the same time that one must say that there are some limitations. Acceptable and unacceptable behavior. This to drive twice is unacceptable, but it is also about the degree of doubles.

Jensen, claim Cappelen was informant for the Danish police, and that the førte to large hasjbeslag

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